Things I learned in childhood...

in childhood •  2 years ago 


I don't think my childhood was anything atypical or unique.

It occurred in middle America in the late-20th century.

There, I learned:

  1. Government officials are public spirited statesmen who want to work, using compromise, to make America better for everyone.

  2. The policemen are your friends. You should answer all their questions honestly.

  3. The school teachers' primary goal is to help children.

  4. It was on the national news. So it must be true.

  5. The clergy would never abuse children.

  6. The Boy Scouts would never abuse children.

  7. School teachers would never abuse children.

  8. America is a nation of laws. Even the President, if guilty, can be found guilty in a court of law.

  9. Anyone can grow up to be President.

  10. You must pay attention in school because that's where you learn the facts and skills you will use all your life. ("Now, again, what's the capital of Nebraska?")

  11. America is all about freedom. All Americans love freedom and this distinguishes us from the rest of the world.

  12. You can trust professionals. They are licensed.

  13. American universities are the envy of the world. They dispassionately search out truth without fear or favor. It is a place of intellectual debate where no idea is shut out. And university teachers would never abuse...

This is, OF COURSE, an incomplete list.

Now, everyone, as he moves from childhood to adult status, realizes children are not told the complete, raw truth of the world. Things are simplified for them. But it seems if the above truths were akin to stock market portfolios, a contrarian investment strategy would have made one filthy rich.

I do not have children. I appreciate the lessons I was taught are not always taught any longer. Each generation is taught different falsehoods. ("What do you mean you want to walk to the corner alone?! You're only 11!! You could be kidnapped and dismembered!! And in any case, it's against the law.") But children are a captive audience, so it's not surprising social myths are easily transmitted to them. It's hard for kids to socially distance from falsehoods.

What serious yet unpleasant, socially unacknowledged truths do libertarian parents endeavor to teach their children?

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