New Family Members🐱🐈🐱

in childhoodthoughts •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemit!

I just arrived home came from a grave yard shift work.
And my attention caught this three kittens brought by my husband.He asked these kittens from a friend to threaten rats at
And since my younger daughter is really an animal lover ,so for sure all these kittens will surely taking care of.
But what funny is we have dogs at home too.So expectedly dogs & cats can't get along well,maybe by chance on the later part they will become friends.
But for now this three racist dogs is the biggest threat to these three kittens life.Look at the photo.Action speaks louder right?IMG_20180804_085500.jpg
Dogs are just waiting the opportunities to bit these
Funny to think of because even to human there are also racist people in our lives who is also taking advantage to hurt our emotions especially during our childhood days.And the dogs reminds me now of those bulley playmates of my childhood days.I think it's part of the process not only to animals but to everyone's life.

So dear Kitten's who is now our new family members, just hang on...this shall too pass! You might filled with fears right now but i am sure that the feelings you felt will help you strengthen later on.

Stay positive friends...and enjoy the weekend😘

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