Planting, My Children and me ENG/SRB

in children •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi buddies,
About seven days ago, my children and I planted several spice plants and several types of hot peppers in plastic box (boxes for planting plants). So here's what we planted:

-Habanero Yellow and Red (300,000 Scoville)
-Cayenna (3,500-5,000 Scoville)
-Serano (15,000 Scoville)
-paprika from Serbia (Nis). long 20-30cm
-Anis (impinella anisum)
-Apium graveolens
-Petroselinum crispum

The children were very fun while bathing around the earth and pouring water. Every child did what he could in his own years. We did a lot of things, great work, the children were happy and satisfied after all. Through the game they did a job that they themselves accepted to work. Excuse me for not being able to photograph my broken hands, our happy moments. But here's what it looks like now.
Conclusion: Children want to work, so they feel important in the company in the family. Let them work, according to their age. Show them how and what to do, stay with them to give them support and finish the job to the end that they started, not to go into it all in their game, and then there is nothing left of the job done. :)
Hello to the next time, do not forget to be crazy if you like these texts, support for parents and future parents ...
When the time comes, it should look like this

Zdravo drugari,

Pre oko sedam dana, moja deca i ja smo u plastične žardinjere posadili nekoliko začinskih biljaka i nekoliko vrsta ljutih paprika. Pa evo šta smo to sadili :

-Habanero Yellow and Red (300,000 Scoville)
-Cayenna (3,500-5,000 Scoville)
-Serano (15,000 Scoville)
-paprika from Serbia (Nis). long 20-30cm
-Anis (impinella anisum)
-Apium graveolens
-Petroselinum crispum

Deca su bila veoma zabavna dok su kopala po zemlji i sipala vodu. Svako dete je radilo ono što je moglo u svojim godinama. Uradili smo puno toga, veliki posao, deca su bila srećna i zadovoljna nakon svega. Kroz igru su uradili posao koji su sami prihvatili da rade. Oprostite što nisam mogao da fotografišem uprljanih ruku, naše srećne trenutke. Ali evo kako to sada izgleda.
zaključak: Deca žele da rade, tako se osećaju važim u društvu u porodici. Dajte im da rade, shodno njihovim godinama. Pokažite im kako i šta treba da rade, ostanite uz njih da bi im davali podršku i da bi završili posao do kraja koji su započeli, da ne pređe sve to u njihovu igru a onda od urađenog posla nema ništa. :)
Pozdrav do idućeg puta, ne zaboravite da lajkujete ako vam se sviđaju ovakvi tekstovi, podrška roditeljima i budućim roditeljima... Kad dođe vreme, trebalo bi da izgledaju biljke kao ove na slici

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