Living in Southern Chile Part 1

in chile •  9 years ago 

Hey Steemians!  Today, I thought I would start a series on our life here in Chile.  If you are considering relocating from up North somewhere, I'd like to encourage you to take the leap, the giant leap of faith.  It can be done, we did it.  What I want to share in this post is some of the beauty here.  It is amazingly beautiful.  If you have questions about how to actually physically move here, please ask them in the comments. My Dad is considering starting his own Steemit and your questions could be enough to push him over the edge.

Note:  All shots are taken with a mix of cameras, from a Nikon d5300 to a Samsung Galaxy cell phone.  And, as always, this content is original and belongs to me, blah blah blah blah blah blah (that's my Dracula from Hotel Transylvania)

Sunset over Lago Ranco

If you haven't read my previous posts, just a real quick recap:  I am one of seven siblings parented by these really crazy parents who 3 years ago decided Chile was the place for us.  Last month was our 3 year aniversary. I have made mention of this in bits and pieces through earlier posts.  What I really need to do is to just make one huge post with the bulk of the story.  I'll get right on that, but for now:

Our first year, we spent in a very, very rural town, Llifen (pronounced ee-fin).  The pics in this post our just a sample of those taken during our time there.  We now live in the amazing town of Puerto Varas.  In future posts, I'll be talking a lot more about Puerto Varas and all its benefits to expats like us, so keep posted.  

Another Lago Ranco Sunset

One of the three rivers that feeds Lago Ranco

Entering Llifen from the East

Lago Ranco on one of our friend's beach

Another view of the beach

Down town

Graffiti- if you don't like graffiti, then you're going to have a hard time in Latin America, just telling you right now.


Well, there's a little piece of my history.  My focus was to share some of the beauty.  The beauty was and still is a great comfort in adjusting to the new culture.   There are things that take adjusting to, and the beauty helps pave the way to that adjustment.  

One of the items of adjustment is the food and availability to familiar ingredients.   This is what gave birth to my food blog and in turn to my passion of food photography.  I am not here to promote my food blog, but mainly to share some beauty and give encouragement to those facing the decision of, "It's time to go."

Life is good here, in fact it is great, not perfect, but great. Follow me for more on this story.  Any questions or comments, I look forward to it.

Hasta luego!

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nice pictures, love the beach one - following to hear the rest of your Chile posts

Awesome, thank you for following. I hope to not disappoint.

Fantastic shots! Looking forward to touring around in the far south soon :)

Thank you for the compliment

Hi ! I loved the pictures. I lived in Puerto Varas for two years, beautiful city. I have family over there and my brother owns a Fly Fishing Store in downtown. Here is the link, if one day you want to go fishing. Cheers!

I think I know this store. Yes, fly fishing is world class here. Thanks for the kind words about my pictures