China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-02-28

in china •  5 years ago 

English news:

In Depth: How Early Signs of a SARS-Like Virus Were Spotted, Spread, and Throttled

"the results failed to trigger a response that could have prepared the public, despite being fed into an infectious disease control system that was designed to alert China’s top health officials about outbreaks"

--- Which goes to show that simply blaming local Wuhan or Hubei officials falls ridiculously short. Case in point:

"on Jan. 3, China’s National Health Commission (NHC), the nation’s top health authority, ordered institutions not to publish any information related to the unknown disease, and ordered labs to transfer any samples they had to designated testing institutions, or to destroy them"

--- The cover-up obviously had Beijing's approval, even though it started in Wuhan. But the WHO is still full of praise for China's crisis response.
News from Shandong suggests the cover-up was not limited to Hubei, either.
More evidence for a cover-up:

Chinese laboratory that first shared coronavirus genome with world ordered to close for ‘rectification’, hindering its Covid-19 research

"The laboratory at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre was ordered to close for “rectification” on January 12, a day after Professor Zhang Yongzhen’s team published the genome sequence on open platforms"

--- Funny enough, the rectification closure now prohibits this laboratory from contributing in the fight against the virus. So much for the CCP's commitment to openness & to protecting public health.

Coronavirus: Risk of spread upgraded to highest level

"At a press conference in Geneva, Dr Tedros said that most cases could still be traced, and there was no evidence of the virus "spreading freely in communities"."

--- What a friggin' idiot. One look at Iran should make clear that the Wuhan virus is obviously at large there. & there is not much of a chance to trace "most cases". In most other countries it's not so bad, luckily.

China wants to get back to normal as its coronavirus case numbers ease. That could be dangerous

"the central propaganda authorities announced they will soon publish a book -- in six different languages -- on China's efforts to combat the virus, with a focus on President Xi Jinping's "outstanding leadership, strategic vision, sense of mission and care for the people.""

--- Let me guess: the information contained in the first article I linked to will not be included in this book.

"If the initial outbreak has been devastating for the Chinese economy, a second could be even worse, further undermining confidence and adding more strain to businesses already teetering"

--- Actually, many smaller outbreaks are already happening. The question is whether they can grow into something bigger again or whether they can be contained.

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai arrested on charges of illegal assembly

"Lai is also charged with criminal intimidation for an offence on June 4, 2017. Lai reportedly swore at a journalist at the pro-Beijing Oriental Daily on the occasion."

--- More evidence of HK becoming little China. If that incident with the journalist is criminal behaviour, pretty much all of HK's finest have to be arrested, considering how the cops have treated journalists in recent months.

US says Chinese warship fired military laser at US aircraft

"Military-grade laser beams, occasionally known as "dazzlers," omit a powerful beam of light that can travel great distances and be used to illuminate aircraft cockpits, temporarily blinding pilots."

--- You could almost think that the Chinese are looking to create an incident. Maybe they want to distract from something?

Sun Yang: Eight-year ban for Chinese Olympic champion

""This is unfair. I firmly believe in my innocence.""

--- I'm Chinese. I must be innocent. It's only the ugly West trying to suppress Chinese success. That's it!

"This is a hugely significant case for sport, and one that will lead to serious questions about the judgement and credibility of Fina"

--- The credibility of Fina is long gone. They are in Beijing's pocket.

Chinese censorship or 'work elsewhere': Inside Shutterstock's free-speech rebellion

"the company welcomes all voices and opinions from employees on a variety of topics and that it also respects employees who decide to leave the company after a fundamental disagreement"

--- We welcome your disagreement, you may quit now.
BTW, Shutterstock is not the only photo provider to censor in China.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored has the usual weekend variety:

--- Sky News: "China depicts heroic fight against coronavirus - this is the reality"

--- CBC News: "Canadian team invited to do clinical trials in China for antiviral drug"

Not in the news (yet):

Evidence for cover-up of Wuhan virus in Shandong

PRC fighting poverty by taking away belongings

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Ein Urteil gegen das Verschaukeln

"Inwiefern kann man einem Verband Zuständigkeiten bei der Jagd auf Dopingsünder einräumen, der gleichzeitig für die Vermarktung seines Sports zuständig ist?"

--- V.a., wenn es um chinesisches Geld geht. Bei soviel schönem, chinesischen Geld kann man doch mal eine Ausnahme machen, gelle?

Pandemie-Spiel "Plague Inc" fliegt aus App Store in China

"Die Internet-Regulierungsbehörde Cyberspace Administration of China habe Inhalte des Spiels als illegal erklärt"

--- Man kann in dem Spiel China als Ausgangspunkt für eine Pandemie festlegen! Ungeheuerlich. In der Realität ist sowas nämlich völlig unmöglich, weil die KPCh alles im Griff hat. Immer.

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Yeah, I'm living in China, have been for the past 8 years, I am from Canada. There is certainly a lot to think about this virus. It's weird how governments and people react to it.

There are still much deadlier virus's out there, people are still more likely to die from HIV/AIDs yet condoms are not mandatory. More likely to die from cancer, yet the things like cigarettes and carcinogens are not prevented. Even regular pneumonia kills over 50,000 per year in the USA alone. Still people are more likely to die from crossing the street.

My life here has been turned upside down for an illness that has less than a 3% death rate.

Something fishy is going on.

Well, even if it's only 1% then it's quite severe. You can see the disruption in Wuhan, & there the death rate is also much higher than elsewhere.
Unchecked, the virus might be just as bad everywhere. Although I very much doubt that the Chinese approach is the best.

I am so glad I am in China right now in the event it becomes a pandemic. Everyone is doing their best to transmit the virus. Some buildings are quarantined, everyone wears a mask when they go out, no one touches each other. Restaurants are closed to sit down dining, take and delivery only.

People in other countries are just going about their day as normal. I wish I had that. Right now after i go shopping this is my routine coming back into my home (my kitchen sink is literally arms reach from the front door:

1- wash my hands keys and phone.
2 - take of my mask, shoes and jacket and isolate them
3 - wash my hands again and face
4 - wash everything i brought into my home, every jar, can, package with soap and water.

Everyone here does that. Which is probably why the cases are lowering here and rising in other countries. If there is a better I would like to know because this way sucks.

I think, you're overdoing it a bit. But it's your life & you have to know how to feel safe.
I prefer the Greek approach. Carnival here was cancelled & people celebrated anyway. Only some medics had face masks, but only around their necks. (Then again, Greece has not really been hit yet.)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

So glad I am not where you are. Trump asked for over a Billion dollars to combat CoronaVirus. I hope to hell i am "over doing it". rather than be in USA or the West and "Under Do It".

I find it funny in the USA and Canada the media says "Masks aren't working we need masks for the doctors to prevent the spread." Ah, the world is fucked anyways.

Better to over do it than under do it? Or just pray to god?

300,000 deaths from H1N1, which America kept secret for 10 years, most people in America were thinking only a few thousand were dying from H1N1. But the truth comes out eventually. Best to be safe rather than sorry. But I really hope I am "over doing it", but at least I know I am doing everything possible to be safe. And you are doing what?

"And you are doing what?"

Don't really see the point in changing anything at the moment.
If I go traveling I might wear a face mask on public transport (if masks are available), but that would be it pretty much.
Anyway, I prefer freedom over safety.

Re masks: Don't know which media you consume, but the ones I read don't say "Masks aren't working."
What I gather is that masks depending on ffp are not necessarily very effective in keeping the wearer safe. It's a matter of probability, because a) masks don't have a complete seal & b) the virus doesn't need to go directly from a carrier to you.
Masks decrease the probability of direct droplet infection through nose & mouth by 50 to 99% (depending on type of mask). But if you don't come into close contact to others, that probability is low, anyway.

"300,000 deaths from H1N1"
In the US? Wonder where you get that from. If that were true, we would see a spike in the death rate in 2009, which obviously wasn't there.

We can question each others news sources, fair enough, I said 300k in USA when really it was global numbers but the numbers were kept secret for 10 years.

But I take these steps to be safe and keep those around me safe. I don't want to be selfish. I don't think Coronavirus will kill me, but I could have it for it 10+ days without symptoms and give to my grandma or others who could die. I try to be safe to protect others.

Donald Trump asked for almost as much money to build a wall along the Mexico boarder, over a billion dollars, to fight or protect against coronavirus. Something must be up.

But hey, if you feel there is nothing to worry about and you enjoy freedom (what is freedom in USA?) just go about your life as usual. Trump is worried, like billions of tax payers dollars worried. Just a thought. God bless you.

hmm komisch zuerst laden sich die Leute von der CCP, die Spiele-entwickler von Plaque Inc. bei sich ein und jetzt schmeissen die das Spiel aus dem Store in China?!

Weiß nichts von der Einladung, aber sowas sagt in China herzlich wenig. Es herrscht reine Willkür.

Ja die Entwickler waren bei der CCP, das sagt ja schon einiges aus! Aber warten wir mal ab was noch alles auf uns zu kommt.

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