China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-03-28/29

in china •  5 years ago 

First posted on Hive.

English news:

'They see my blue eyes then jump back' – China sees a new wave of xenophobia

"Some say the focus on foreigners – surprising given that 90% of imported cases were Chinese passport holders [...] – is the leadership’s attempt to shore up its image"

--- It's mostly to shift the blame. That's why Chinese news reports about these 'imported' cases don't mention that 90% are returning Chinese. Actually, that is quite common for the Chinese commies. They really like to blame problems on foreigners.

"Several foreign residents stressed, however, that their experiences were not akin to those of Asians in the US and elsewhere, who have been beaten and subjected to racial slurs."

--- Well, yeah, it's the Guardian, so that had to be written. After all, nobody can be allowed to be worse racists than (white, old, male) Westerners.

China's virus epicentre pivots to stem imported cases

"Underlining the risks to Wuhan, huge numbers of passengers have crowded onto trains and buses to return home, threatening to swamp the traumatised city's containment measures"

--- In the other direction, some neighbouring provinces still keep their borders to Hubei closed. Caused quite some trouble between Hubei police & colleagues from Jiangxi (see "Not in the news").

"one hotel said foreign guests must have proof that they had completed a two-week quarantine, even if they had stayed in China since before the outbreak"

--- Because - hey - they are foreigners. So they must be dangerous.

Coronavirus: Netherlands recalls 'defective' masks bought from China

"Dutch government has ordered a recall of around 600,000 masks out of a shipment of 1.3 million from China after they failed to meet quality standards"

--- & the Dutch are not the only ones to notice that quality checks on Chinese help are absolutely necessary.

Boris Johnson's government is reportedly furious with China and believes it could have 40 times more coronavirus cases than it claims

"scientists have warned Johnson that China could have downplayed its number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus "by a factor of 15 to 40 times.""

--- I thought, 10 times would be a realistic minimum. But, well, 40 times is not out of the question.

Doubts over China's claim of beating coronavirus

"Leading politicians have appeared in public without wearing protective masks, whether at a talk with investors, at a party meeting or at a photo shoot at a snack bar. The message was clear: We are back in business; it's high time for growth again!"

--- You can bet that anyone they meet has been vetted most thoroughly.

Trump strikes friendly tone on China with trade in mind, as his top officials point fingers over pandemic

"We now have a great piece of the trade deal, and now we will start phase two and that will be great, and we are taking in billions and billions of dollars a year in tariffs and they are paying for it because they devalue their currency and other things. So let's get along with China"

--- A true joke-in-chief.

Is factory farming to blame for coronavirus?

"if you want to understand why this pandemic happened now and not, say, 20 years ago"

--- Yep. It's not like there was something called SARS at that time. Or let's say, something like Spanish Flu a hundred years ago.

"As industrial farming concerns took up more and more land, these small-scale farmers were pushed out geographically too – closer to uncultivable zones"

--- Seems to have been written by someone who has never been to China. Industrial farming is more common in North China, while in the South, where "exotic" animals are more often seen on wet markets, the majority of farms is still quite small.

"If a virus gets introduced into such a flock, it can race through it without meeting any resistance in the form of genetic variants that prevent its spread"

--- That doesn't make it more probable to jump to humans, though. That probability rises when animals are kept in unhygienic circumstances in close proximity to humans. & that's the problem in China.

Mystery In Wuhan: Recovered Coronavirus Patients Test Negative ... Then Positive

"about 5%-10% of patients pronounced "recovered" have tested positive again.
Some of those who retested positive appear to be asymptomatic carriers"

--- Question is whether the Wuhan virus lay dormant for a while, whether they were re-infected or whether they're false positives. Either way, it's more evidence that Chinese numbers are not to be trusted:

"China does not include in its overall daily count for total and for new cases those who retest positive after being released from medical care"

--- What we don't want to see, does not exist, says the CCP.

Video: Top WHO doctor Bruce Aylward ends video call after journalist asks about Taiwan’s status

"When Tong called him back to ask again about Taiwan and its coronavirus measures, Aylward said: “Well, we’ve already talked about China.”"

--- Well, that answered my question whether he was just an idiot when:

"He has repeatedly praised the country’s leadership and, at one press conference, stated that – if he was infected with the disease – he would want to be treated in China."

--- Now it seems more likely he's another WHO-idiot on China's payroll.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Coronavirus Destroys US-China Relations"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Life in Taiwan is 'pretty much the same' as it was before COVID-19"

--- The Sun: "Russia and China's COVID-19 myths debunked as virus cases rise over 600k"

Not in the news (yet):

TCM helps. Definitely! Don't ask!

--- & another whistleblowing doctor was disappeared. While some Chinese celebrate 100,000 Wuhan virus cases in the US.

What to do when your load is on fire? Hit the gas pedal & the horn!

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Wuhan kehrt vorsichtig zum Alltag zurück

"Keine bestätigten Fälle bedeuten nicht gleichzeitig kein Risiko"

--- V.a. dann nicht, wenn man asymptomatische Fälle nicht zählt.

Das Misstrauen sitzt tief

"Nach der Lockerung von Bewegungs- und Reisebeschränkungen in der chinesischen Provinz Hubei ist es am Wochenende zu heftigen Tumulten an der Grenze zu einer der Nachbarprovinzen gekommen"

--- Zuerst kloppten sich nur Polizisten, aber dann kamen Leute aus Hubei ihren eigenen Polypen zu Hilfe.

Pekinger Propaganda-Virus

"Durch Lieferungen von Schutzausrüstungen weltweit will China sich als Helfer und einzig handlungsfähiger Akteur in der Not inszenieren. Und unterschlägt gezielt, dass ein Teil nicht Hilfslieferungen sind, sondern gekaufte Exporte."

--- Humanitäre Hilfe auf chinesische Art.
Auch lustig, wenn aus dem Wuhanvirus zuerst das Japanische Virus wird, dann das Amerikanische Virus & schließlich (naja, zumindest vorläufig) das Italienische Virus. Während man gleichzeitig Trumps Chinesisches Virus unglaublich rassistisch findet.

"Das Politbüro hat beschlossen, dass die Epidemie vorbei ist"

"Alle unangenehmen Informationen werden weggedrückt, und der Propagandaapparat formuliert die wichtigste Erzählung am Ende selbst: dass die Epidemie dank der Systemüberlegenheit Chinas besiegt worden ist."

--- Alles so schön bunt hier.

"Wenn die amerikanische Wirtschaft und der US-Dollar infolge der Pandemie schwer beschädigt werden, dann wird China als Gewinner aus dem Systemvergleich hervorgehen. Wenn es so kommt, werden wir danach auf einem anderen Planeten leben"

--- Dann gute Nacht.

Gegen den Hass

"Das „chinesische Virus“ nannte Trump Corona, rassistische Beleidigungen gegen asiatisch aussehende Menschen folgten."

--- Die FAZ jetzt auch voll auf SJW-Kurs? Kaum auszuhalten.
Rassistische Attacken gab es auch schon vor Trumps Aussagen. Es darf bezweifelt werden, daß dessen Gelaber in der Hinsicht große Auswirkungen hatte.
Außerdem handelt es sich bei den meisten "rassistischen" Übergriffen wohl eher um "Mikroaggressionen"; sprich: Situationen, in denen sich hypersensitive Schneeflöckchen in ihren Gefühlen verletzt sahen.

Geschäftlich in China (Teil 2/3)

--- Keine News, nur ein Ratgeber. Allerdings sollte man mit dem Inhalt dieser Ausgabe vertraut sein, wenn man in China Geschäfte machen will. Es geht um Guanxi (Vitamin B).

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'They see my blue eyes then jump back' – China sees a new wave of xenophobia
"Some say the focus on foreigners – surprising given that 90% of imported cases were Chinese passport holders [...] – is the leadership’s attempt to shore up its image"
It's mostly to shift the blame. That's why Chinese news reports about these 'imported' cases don't mention that 90% are returning Chinese. Actually, that is quite common for the Chinese commies. They really like to blame problems on foreigners.

Hear, hear! I have been saying ALL of this for quite some time.