Chinese scientists are working on a spaceship of gigantic proportions that will be used to explore space in the future. The details.
Spaceships, as we know them from series and movies like “Star Trek” and “Star Wars”, do not yet exist in real life.
According to a report, Chinese scientists are working on a space shuttle that will be no less than 1,000 meters long.
Important strategic space equipment
Why are they doing this? Well, China’s National Natural Science Foundation had called for finding solutions for research tasks in space.
This includes the giant spacecraft as “important strategic space equipment for future utilization of space resources, exploration of the mysteries of the universe and long-term life in orbit.”
Astronomical costs
A five-year feasibility study will determine what methods are available to put the required material into space. 2 million has been budgeted for this alone.
The project is “quite feasible,” former NASA chief technologist Mason Peck told “Live Science.” However, building the spacecraft would probably swallow up incredible sums of money.
The 110-meter-high International Space Station (ISS), for example, has already cost 100 billion euros.