
in china •  4 years ago 

Chinese Christians can save China.. FBI will get you if you say you need vitamin D, which we all need, and they did in 2020, but then when Dr. Fauci said it, the FBI is ok if he says what we all know, natural remedies cure Covid and many things. Have a beautiful, please wear your smile, I love your face, I love seeing your face. Barbie supports Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists and encourage children, especially girls, to do the same. In 1959, Barbie was created to be a substitute for baby dolls to push girls away from the desire to become mothers when they grow up.

Killing Us Softly

They're Killing Us Softly, a Pentagon term, slowly meaning you don't even know what killed you, many things happen, slowly, and then you are dead, they're depopulating us, Bill Gates can burn in Hell. Bill Gates is the gate of Satan. UN runs trafficking and also runs going after traffickers in order to pretend to be the good guys even as they do it too. Creation, corruption, catastrophe, and confusion are the first four C's to our history. Why don't they wear masks in The Walking Dead, wouldn't zombie walker disease be airbourne? Certain versions of Covid-19 may have been a live-virus vaccine ingredient which may have been out since as early as 2014, it may have been deadlier that some of the SARS mutations, and the deadlier strands of Covid before the summer of 2020.

2020-10-12 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 396pics | Mirror | Video

People vote Kanye West in the 2020 U.S Presidential Election


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2020-10-12 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-12 - Monday
Published in October of 2020

1960's - New Years Eve.jpg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

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Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Don't play their games, no social distancing.

Twitter may ban this tweet very soon like they did previous tweets already.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Memo to Trump

01:52 PM - Twitter

But we are running against globalism.

Lockdown Kills

02:32 PM - Twitter

President Trump wrote:

The World Health Organization just admitted that I was right. Lockdowns are killing countries all over the world. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. Open up your states, Democrat governors. Open up New York. A long battle, but they finally did the right thing!

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Is God love or is love God?

10:00 AM - YouTube

@Tandoori & Flan, I don't believe in social justice equality, I believe in opportunity, I am a big fan Owen Benjamin and this was a powerful episode. I may go look for episodes where he talks about the Mandela Effect.



03:13 PM - Twitter - Lionel Nation asked a question.

Why don't parents make up the passwords for the children or have them written down in a notebook or at least go into the list of passwords in the settings of the web browser where you can find the passwords?


Tandoori & Flan


Native American Indians were not able to handle beer, would get angry, please don't drink around them, they struggle.

Jews made porn, but it kills people in a variety of ways, makes women think men are monsters, wives think bad things of their husbands jerking off to other men fucking women, what a soy boy, what a you fill in the blank. There is a wide variety of things to be said. It is rather complex. Many porn stars are dead. They are empty. It escalates. In the video, a man is hiding behind a shelf, in a mask, he is recording on his phone other men harass and hurt a mother and her kids at a store. He was jerking off or almost masterbating. Imagine what people do behind closed doors. Owen said he stopped watching porn in 2016, that is four years ago. It is good to study all of this for so many reasons, books, documentaries, movies, videos, etc, are made regarding these subjects, look at them, think about it.

General Shepherd

10:09 AM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 10/11/20

FBI will get you if you say you need vitamin D, which we all need, and they did in 2020, but then when Fauci said it, the FBI is ok if he says what we all know, natural remedies cure Covid and many things.

They're Killing Us Softly, a Pentagon term, slowly meaning you don't even know what killed you, many things happen, slowly, and then you are dead, they're depopulating us, Bill Gates can burn in Hell.

Return to the fear of God.

Have a beautiful, please wear your smile, I love your face, I love seeing your face.

UN runs trafficking and also runs going after traffickers in order to pretend to be the good guys even as they do it too.

Over ten thousand Hillary Clinton emails were released to the public on Saturday, the 12th of October of 2020.

Answers In Genesis

11:27 AM - Whose Words Win? - Answers News: October 12, 2020

God does not violate his own nature

If you think God asked you to do that, then you should then ask if that was really God asking.

Distinction between murder and killing.

David cut off the head of Goliath.

@Douglas Cheron, should God violate freewill?

Speciation and not evolution, as in mutation or short spurts of changes every once in a while as opposed to slow gradual changes.

Creation, corruption, catastrophe, and confusion are the first four C's to our history.

General Shepherd

11:45 AM - ALEX JONES (1st hour) Monday - 10/12/20

Thousands of people have been leaving California and other places, an exit or exodus out of Sodom, Egypt, England, etc, so to speak.

Why don't they wear masks in The Walking Dead, wouldn't zombie walker disease be airbourne?

Daisy Cousens

01:54 PM - Barbie Is Radicalizing Your Children

Barbie supports Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists and encourage children, especially girls, to do the same.

In 1959, Barbie was created to be a substitute for baby dolls to push girls away from the desire to become mothers when they grow up.

General Shepherd

02:13 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Monday - 10/12/20

Certain versions of Covid-19 may have been a live-virus vaccine ingredient which may have been out since as early as 2014, it may have been deadlier that some of the SARS mutations, and the deadlier strands of Covid before the summer of 2020.

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!

02:53 PM - Jesus Shows Kevin Zadai Next 11 Years in Heaven

Store up extra food, water, etc. Weaponized diseases are coming. Prayer can stop it. We cans top it in Jesus name. We should do what we can. Take action.

Chinese Christians can save China.

The UN said they would try to stop Trump from winning in 2020. This is already public information. The information Kevin Zadai shares is stuff Alex Jones has been talking about for many years.

Diamond & Silk

10:05 PM - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Rally in Sanford, FL 10/12/20


General Shepherd

10:02 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Sunday - 10/11/20 - FIX](


RSBN a rally of Trump's in Florida, take off your mask.


12:21 PM - Supermassive black hole tores or tears an entire star apart



02:00 AM - 09:40 AM - Up at 8 and 9:11 AM but went back to bed those times. Had an alarm for 8. Got up a third time like 20 minutes ago. Pretty cold. Have a few jackets and sweaters on, some came from the BF of the youngest, thanks guys. I have another jacket upstairs I forgot to bring down last night.


At a building, a skyscrapper of RevHI and others. Rob Noland gave me a room or something. I saw a woman with a room and she was not happy with the rent. SHe might have moved or left or something. I might have got it or maybe not. It was like my birthday. I was in a basement floor or a lower level. I might have been sleeping. They wanted me up and doing things. I was like going to have room down there and not up somewhere where it might have been. Like I was late and busy or sleeping and then it was like 2 and then 3 and then 4 PM in the dream. I was going to move stuff and others wanted me to move stuff under the staircase. I went up and there was some money for my birthday party on the floor, like $100 or more in cash, like $20 dollar bills. There was food, snacks, cake, but people left. I was late and they were gone and I wanted other things. In na earlier dream, I was like with Santa Clause and or others and we were in Forest Grove, OR or something and there was a person or animal and probably a person and he or she or whatever was helping us and then maybe not. We or I flew him back home in another city or place. We might have went to the North Pole or that direction and it was night. I remember going to an apartment and looking eye level to a short boy who talked to me about the person or dog I was giving him and his family. I was there earlier too. THis time the boy was talking because we were eye level this time around. Don't remember what he said but he was becoming like a friend. But I was like later or earlier at a table with people experiencing annoyance. Not sure what Barbie wanted. Was it her I wonder or who and who were the other people at the table and were we playing card games. Don't get butt hurt and I wonder about the hints from these 3 dreams and others I barely remember. What a girl wants movie. It was there, never mind what Owen Benjamin said, the temptation, and I was going back for 90 minutes after 8 AM and all of these things and maybe more was going down and I eventually got tired of the dreaming and got up kind of thing and even as the 3 dreams were barely remembered or finished or whatever.


10:30 AM - Oatmeal, coffee. After that, Alex Jones, AIG. Run around, toy guns. But it is not shooting straight. Some kids do online schooling. Their speakers may sometimes be mute.


01:45 PM - Beef lunch meat sandwich. Rice special from a plastic bag.

Run around in the afternoon or did I say that already? With toy guns. Spaghetti. Animal charade circle game. Follow. Your animal sign and then another person's animal sign. Get to the top. Become the elephant. Each chair is a different animal taped on the chair. Mess up and go to the end, the beginning, counter clockwise around the stage at MVA. The head is the elephant. We talked about the butterfly effect. In the car, I mentioned the domno and snowball effects and the movies, Pay It Forward. Tag game. Grab bags. Toy guns game after that in the garage. Volleyball passing, three of us. We didn't play this yesterday or ever. Not us. Monkey in the middle and then a monkey game where you get the ball to your corne.

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