美國作為當今世界最強大的國家,同時也是世界上最大的移民國家,每年都有無數人前仆後繼趕赴美國,想要成為美國公民的一員,其中就包括不少華人。如今移民美國的華人數量已經超過 500 萬,甚至接近 600 萬,若是再加上那些華人華僑的後代,中美混血兒,這個數字將更加誇張,而且移民美國的熱潮還在繼續,每年依舊有大量的華人前往美國,這個數字越來越大。
The United States is the most powerful country in the world and also the largest immigrant country in the world. Every year, countless people try their best to immigrate to the United States and become a citizen of the United States, including many Chinese. Now, the number of Chinese immigrants in the United States has exceeded 5 million and is even close to 6 million. If you also count the descendants of Chinese immigrants and Chinese-American mixed bloods, the number will be even more exaggerated. And the trend of Chinese immigration to the United States continues, with a large number of Chinese still going to the United States every year, and the number is growing.
這些華人中,有相當一部分都選擇加入了美國國籍,中國是不承認雙重國籍的國家,意味著其已經不算是中国人,只能稱為華人,同樣也有一些人只是 在美國居住或者留學,他們依舊是中國國籍。其實移民美國的華人數量並不是最多的,像印尼、泰國、馬來西亞這些國家,華人數量更多,但事實上是移民美國的華人影響力最大,因為選擇遠洋到美國的,無一不是社會精英,不是有錢就是有能 力。
Among these chinese, a significant proportion have chosen to join the US nationality. China does not recognize dual nationality, which means they are no longer Chinese, but only华人. There are also some who are just living or studying in the United States, and they are still Chinese citizens. In fact, the number of Chinese immigrants to the United States is not the largest. There are more Chinese in countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. However, in fact, the Chinese immigrants to the United States have the greatest influence. Those who choose to go to the United States across the ocean are all social elites, either rich or capable.
而華人移民美國的歷史也非常久遠,在清朝的“閉關鎖國”反動統治被強行打破後,中國才開始與世界開始交流,當時的西方國家代表著先進,誰不想到一個好的地方去,加上那時候中國積貧積弱,清朝反動政府腐朽不堪,許多華人選擇前往美國定居。之後在美國掀起了淘金熱,中國沿海地區的人們為了發財,毅然決然組團踏上前往美國淘金的旅程,不過最初這個團隊只有 300 人,然而短短十年的時間,這個數字就上漲到了數萬,之後中國爆發太平天國起義,社會異常動亂。為了更好地生存發展,越來越多的 人前往美國定居,二戰美國本土並沒有受到戰爭的侵害,社會秩序也相當穩定,這些都是華人移民美國的決定性因素,華人移民的現象越來越普遍,一直到如今,移民現象依舊十分火熱。美國的華人團體非常多,還有著名 的唐人街,成為美國華人的聚集地。有些人一提到美國華人,就直接對其持否定態度,認為其崇洋媚外,不熱愛祖國,其實不然,移民美國的華人,其移民原因非常多,很多都不是因為崇洋媚外而移民的。
The history of Chinese immigration to the United States is very long. After the "closed-door policy" and reactionary rule of the Qing Dynasty was forcibly broken, China began to communicate with the world. At that time, Western countries represented the advanced, and who wouldn't want to go to a good place? In addition, China was then poor and weak, and the reactionary government of the Qing Dynasty was corrupt. Many Chinese chose to settle in the United States. Afterwards, the Gold Rush broke out in the United States, and people in coastal areas of China decided to embark on the journey to the United States to pan for gold in order to get rich. However, this team only consisted of 300 people at first. In just ten years, this number rose to tens of thousands. Afterwards, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprising broke out in China, and society was in turmoil. In order to survive and develop better, more and more people went to live in the United States. During World War II, the United States was not affected by the war on its home soil, and its social order was also relatively stable. These were all decisive factors for Chinese immigrants to the United States. The phenomenon of Chinese immigration became more and more common, and it has continued to this day. The Chinese community in the United States is very large, and there is also the famous Chinatown, which has become a gathering place for Chinese in the United States. When some people mention Chinese in the United States, they directly hold a negative attitude towards them, thinking that they are foreign-worshipping and do not love their motherland. In fact, this is not the case. The reasons for Chinese immigration to the United States are very diverse, and many are not because of foreign-worshipping.
Many Chinese choose to open martial arts gyms in the United States to promote Chinese Kung Fu, and some Chinese open Chinese schools or Confucius Institutes in the United States to promote Chinese culture, and so on. There are countless examples of this kind. However, there are also Chinese who choose to "choose the right tree to live on," and they go to the United States for better living conditions. To date, the United States is the most powerful country in the world in terms of comprehensive national strength, ranking first in the world in terms of economy, technology, and military, and its development resources are extremely abundant. The United States is the largest economy in the world, with its GDP ranking first in the world for many years, and its per capita GDP has also reached a staggering 70,000 US dollars.
發達的經濟意味著更多的機遇,加上中國如今大學生陷入就業難的狀況, 就連一些研究生都 很難找到合適的工作,相比之下美國國內勞動力十分短缺,薪資待遇也相當高,許多在國內實現不了抱負的學子選擇了前往美國工作,以謀求更好的發展。美國的科技發達,各類實驗室的科研能力很強,並且研發經費的投入很大,達到了全球研發經費總額的百分之四十,這是一個非常高的數字。國內的一些高技術型 人才,為了在專業領域有所突破,也會選擇前往美國實驗室學習工作,提升自己。
A developed economy means more opportunities. In addition, Chinese college students are currently facing difficulties in finding employment, and even some graduate students have difficulty finding suitable jobs. In contrast, there is a shortage of labor in the United States, and the salary and benefits are also relatively high. Therefore, many students who cannot fulfill their aspirations in China choose to go to the United States to work in search of better development opportunities. The United States has advanced technology, and the scientific research capabilities of various laboratories are strong, with a large amount of R&D funding invested, reaching 40% of the total global R&D funding, which is a very high number. Some high-tech talents in China choose to go to American laboratories to study and work in order to make breakthroughs in their professional fields and improve themselves.
還有一部分人是看中美國的教育水平,在全球大學綜合實力榜單的前 10 名,美國獨攬了 8 個席位,而且美國大學的許多教授,都是行業的領頭羊,有相當一部分都曾獲得過諾貝爾獎,跟著這樣的老師學習,何愁無法做出突破。這也是許多留學生爭先恐後前往美國的原因,就連我國的頂尖學府,每年也有很多學生選擇前往美國深造,有的還會留校任教,因為美國的大学教授待遇實在是太好。因此每年有許多高學歷人才,選擇移民美國。
Another group of people are attracted by the education level in the United States. Among the top 10 in the global university comprehensive strength list, the United States has taken up 8 seats alone. Moreover, many professors in American universities are leaders in the industry, and quite a number of them have won the Nobel Prize. Learning from such teachers, there is no need to worry about making breakthroughs. This is also the reason why many international students rush to the United States. Even the top universities in our country have many students choosing to go to the United States for further study every year, and some of them will stay at the university to teach because the treatment of university professors in the United States is really good. Therefore, many highly educated talents choose to immigrate to the United States every year.
In addition to these highly educated talents, there are also many Chinese with general education backgrounds who go to the United States for development, because there is a shortage of labor in the United States and the salary is high. Many people choose to go to the United States because of the difficulty of employment in China, but many people also choose to work in Japan nearby, where the hourly wage is also quite high. Another group of people choose to immigrate to the United States because of the social welfare system in the United States, and these people often also join the US nationality.