in chiptune •  7 years ago 

My first attempt to create an original chiptune song.

Chiptune music was produced on old video gameconsole system as Commodore 64 or NES. Due to limited game storage capacity, sounds were produced using the chips of the video game console, generating sine pulse, square pulse, triangle pulse, noise and stuff.

Famous software to produce this kind of song are Music Tracker.
Milkytracker, Famitracker, Renoise, are some of the software to produce this sounds.

But I have proceed differently because of my more "intuitive" approach : using a Midi Keyboard, playing what I feel, what I want to hear, not guessing it ; Music Tracker is not live playing.

The song is pretty simple : introduction, part A, part A', part B, and looping to part A, etc ...
3 pulses, one drum bit crushed, some noise.

I hope to improve myself in this kind of music, expecting to get the level of Virt (Jake Kaufman), Zalza, Jeroen Tell, Flashygoodness ...

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© All rights and glory to the originals creators ©

Original song by me.

🎮 Gear 🎮

🎹 MIDI Keyboard AKAI LPK 25
💿 Drums Toontrack eZ Drummer 2
💻 DAW Reaper
VSTs used here : https://woolyss.com/chipmusic/chipmusic-plugins/NESTri_-NESPulse-_NESNoise.zip

🎮 GuitarBoyAdvance medias 🎮

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