The central bank's special investigation has come out of the irregularities of the two top executives of the bank.
Former bank chairman Mahiuddin Khan Alamgir and former chairman of the audit committee Mahbubul Haq Chisti have taken the loan of Ferman's Bank's customer loan. This has led to the moral slump of both of them and they have resorted to fraud. This information came out in Bangladesh Bank's inspection.
The inspection came out that the managers of the bank were appointed mainly on the recommendations of the two. They have been appointed through financial transactions.
Apart from this, extraordinary transaction information was also exposed by the bank's customers with RCL Plastics owned by Rashedul Haque Chishti, son of Mahbubul Haque Chishti. The central bank has asked to send the report to Fermers Bank and take necessary action.
When contacted, Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir said in the first light, "These facts are completely untrue and incredible. I can take money as a chairman. Bangladesh Bank could ask me to know its authenticity. Again, if someone used my name, I would take his responsibility. "Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir claimed that the bank was doing well in his four years. There was profit also during this period.
Mahbubul Haque Chishti tried to contact him but he could not be found.
According to the central bank report, on April 12, 2017, Tanuj Corporation applied for loan to formers bank. But on the day before the loan application was settled, Tinuj Corporation's bank deposited Tk 50 lakh. After that the company moved the money as one of them. That is, the loan facility is offered to the customer before loan approval, with whom
Former chairman of the bank Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir and Managing Director AKM Shamim were involved in the case.
It is further reported that from Tanuj Corporation's bank accounts on July 19, last year, 1 million 22 lakhs were transferred to other banks as opened in Farmers Bank. 42 million taka was taken into that day between 1 crore 22 lakhs. Tanub Corp. issued an order of Tk 80 lakh and issued a pay order. Although later the pay-order was canceled. Later, in the name of Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, Tk 18 lakh and Mahbubul Haque Chisti was issued a pay order of Tk 16.50 lakh. Zakir Hossain, a person named after the remaining 45 lakh 50 thousand taka, was given a chance to withdraw.
According to the central bank, molestation of masked Alamgir and Mahbubul Haq Chisti by accepting money from the bank's bank account has resulted in their moral decline. On the other hand, on the other hand, a loan from Jahan Traders, on March 19 last year, was sent to another one and forty million rupees. The loan was also given by Mahiuddin Khan Alamgir's unique recommendation. Both Tanuj Corporation and Jahan Traders have been involved in the construction business, but the cash was taken in full cash. As a result, the loan money was not used in the actual sector. In 2012, after obtaining approval for political consideration, Fermers started engaging in irregularities after the start of the bank's activities. As a result, the cash crisis in the bank is due to the crisis.
The bank is unable to return the money to the customer due to the crisis. Chairman and former Home Minister Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir and Chairman of the audit committee Mahbubul Haq Chisti were forced to leave the post in November due to the severe deterioration of the situation. They also resigned from the post of director. The Bangladesh Bank removed the managing director (MD) AKM Shamim.