in chocolate •  last year 

It's back to school! For schoolchildren, students, but also professionals, eating well allows you to support your cognitive abilities and be more effective on intellectual work. But which snack should you choose if you have a little something to eat during the day, while wanting to stay healthy?

Ideally, snacking should be avoided between meals. This should not

nabob if you have eaten enough, and enough satiating dishes, at meal times, to cover all your nutritional needs. But what to eat if you transfer that your energy level tends to decrease?

What snack at the plod?
In Eating well to succeed, advises a diet that brings

proteins, to ensure the maintenance of cellular functions and their repair;
lipids, to promote communication between cells and the flexibility of cell membranes;
vitamins and minerals to regulate hydration, the nervous, muscular and immune system.
Ideally, a snack should be filling, therefore rich in fiber, proteins and fats, and of course easy to prepare and transport!It is by following these principles that we have selected 6 snacks to take with you to your workplace.

What are the best snacks?
Nuts and oilseeds
Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts. Prepare your own mixture! Nuts and oilseeds are rich in fats, with specific characteristics. For example, Walnuts are the one that provides the mostof omega-3 fatty acids, important for the proper functioning of the brain, memory and learning. Almonds and flaxseed are particularly rich in fiber, and therefore satiating.

Read 7 satiating pabulums to calm your hunger
A Greek yogurt (with optional fruit makeups)
Greek yogurt is particularly rich in protein. 100 g of Greek yogurt with whole milk contains almost 9 g, compared to only 3 to 4 g for a normal yogurt. However, avoid low-fat products and prefer whole milk yogurts, which contain 4 to 5 g of fat per 100g.

You can also decorate this yogurt with almonds, nuts, or makeups fruits, such as blueberries, particularly rich in antioxidants. Blueberries areone of the recommended superfoods in Brain Nutrition, scientific evidence in support"The most abundant flavonoids in blueberries are anthocyanins, which have been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier and improve the communication of neurons in the parts of the brain that manage memory. Surprisingly, these good anthocyanins accumulate in the hippocampus of the brain."

energy Balls
These energy balls typically contain nuts, dried fruits, cereals, fats, coconut. in the form of small bites, they provide proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Rather than choosing a super-processed product, prepare your own energy Balls!

We offer you a recipe for it here Energy Balls
Also discover the recipe for ketogenic fat losers
Dark chocolate at 85
Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium and contains polyphenols, flavanols, which are antioxidants.It is another brain superfood recommended "It has been shown that cocoa flavanols can slow down aging and improve insulin sensitivity, vascular function and blood flow to the brain, even sports performance."His advice" Eat a bar of dark chocolate at 85 per week. Choose an organic or fair trade chocolate, which is almost always produced ethically."

To discover all the benefits of chocolate, read Is chocolate good for your health?( subscribers)
With more than 85 of cocoa, the composition of the chocolate will be lower in sugar.

A lawyer (or half of one)
provides good fats for brain function."Avocados are a complete superfood they are perfect for protecting and improving your brain. First point in their favor among all fruits and vegetables, they are the ones that best protect fats. This is good news for your brain, which is not only the fattest organ of your fraternity, but also the most vulnerable to oxidative stress (an important factor in aging) due to the fact that the brain receives 25 of the oxygen you breathe to generate energy!"

Avocados are also well supplied with vitamins E and also provide carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin.Another atoutthe avocado is rich in potassium, a mineral that promotes the health of blood vessels."With its potassium intake twice that of bananas, a whole avocado is the perfect food to nourish the 664 kilometers of microvessels of the brain."

also provides fiber, it has an appetite suppressant effect.

A hard-boiled egg
provides important amino acids for the optimal functioning of the brain. These amino acids are better assimilated when they come from animal products, such as eggs, poultry, fish.

it is easy to carry.It is one of the pabulum ch because of all its assets."Eggs almost deserve a "Super Booster" category as they are rich in nutrients! For a long time demonized for their cholesterol content − although we now know that it is necessary for health and has little impact on blood cholesterol levels −, they constitute a particularly interesting source of proteins and lipids."

Eggs are rich in choline, an amino acid derivative that contributes to lipid metabolism, supports liver functions and improves, at the cognitive level, the learning and memorization functions of the brain. They also contain all the essential amino acids and antioxidants that make it possible to fight against aging, in particular ocular."They are packed with vitamins, including fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E and vitamins of group B, which are sorely lacking in our modern diet. They are an excellent source of minerals, since they contain zinc, calcium, selenium, copper, iron, phosphorus Their protein content – 13 grams on average for two eggs − makes them a complete nourishment that contributes to satiety."

Prefer organic eggs, and if possible with the "Blue White Heart" marker, so that they are richer in omega-3 fatty acids.

The snacks to be banned
When it comes to snacks, the food industry does not lack imagination, as you can see on the supermarket shelves. But many of these snacks are to be avoided to remain effective at the plod. Rich in added sugars, additives, refined cereals or low-quality fats, they do not satiate dads and promote a yo-yo effect in your blood sugar. Here is an exhaustive list of snacks to avoid

The biscuits
Cakes, pastries
The pastries
Mueslis, oat flakes
Energy bars or cereal bars
Milk or white chocolate
The chips
The goodies creams

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