
in choice •  7 years ago 

What's wrong in making new Year resolutions?
Nothing! Absolutely nothing
What's resolution? It's a strong will, a determination, a statement of intent, a vow actually.

A new Year resolution is a list of things you've outlined, a list of things you want to accomplish in the coming year, ie. New Year. Mostly things you couldn't achieve in the previous year.

You're to make a 'strong' resolution to accomplish these things you've outlined. Might be the expansion of an old business, starting up of a new business, completion of an abandoned or unfinished projects like a book or building, anything you wish to accomplish, even marriage!

Are you surprised? Yeah you can make a resolution to marry this year, i have a friend who did so and well, I attended her wedding last November.

I'm just trying to enlighten you on why you should have new Year resolutions and 'work' towards achieving them.

And hey, stop with the lame joke you're making about 'new Year new me ' ish
If you don't have resolutions it doesn't mean others shouldn't.

Go ahead and make your resolutions and achieve everything you yearn for. No one can stop you now!

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There is an Old saying:“Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” means “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” So true, though it is perfect to have nice dreams to work towards.

We should all have goals and dreams in life.