I am sure each person has the intention to make only good life choices. The reality is that external factors, circumstances, the humanity and imperfectness of we all guarantees that we will also make bad choices.
Ironically, some of the bad choices I made in life started out with good intentions and optimism. Other bad choices I made was purely because of the lack of life experience and knowledge.
Some bad choices affects only ourselves. These choices are much easier to live with and accept. The bad choices that affects our loved ones on the other hand, are extreme difficult to live with and accept. The emotion I struggle to deal with is that of disappointment loved ones show as reaction to my bad choices.
We have dreams, wants, needs and make choices directly linked to that. What we want is not necesarily good for us, and what we need is not neccessarily our first choice.
I can live with most of the bad choices I made, however, there is one choice I wish everyday I can reverse or delete, as if it never happened. This was one of those choices that started out with great intentions, but backfired and hurt the most important person. The regret is with my everyday.......
Do you wish that you could go back in time and change some choices?
From my heart to yours - HeartsOnSleeves 💙💛💙