in choices •  7 years ago  (edited)

There are two wolves on my shoulders, one good and one in bad mood. They affect my life and sometimes lead me into strife. Unless i get rid of both, I will miss my ideal self and God's purpose for my existence.

God’s Purpose

God has a purpose for each and every one on earth. (Isaiah 14:24) For the lord of host has purposed, and who can annul it? And His hands is stretched out, who can it back? God wants us to be aware of these purposes so He reaffirms “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, and plans to give you hope and future (Jer. 29:11).

We must also be conscious that His purposes cannot be thwarted only if we are ready to abide in His will; I know that you can do all things, and that no thought or purpose of yours can be restrained (Job 42:2). To understand God’s purpose, the following discourse could be of importance:

o Developed a very strong relationship with Him (Prov. 3:5-6). This can be established through constant prayer, reading and meditation on His word.

o Leave everything to God and remain in His will (Mat. 10:39). One of the best ways to know and understand God’s purpose for one’s life is to surrender your all to Him. God is always ready to reveal His purpose to those who place Him only on top of their lives.

o Begin to obey the wills you believe are the Lord’s. (1Thes.4:3). With the little you know about God’s admirations, it will be helpful you follow them with the best of your capabilities and understanding. It may not be perfect to act in the accordance to your naivety about God’s purpose for your life.

o Obey the Lord’s voice. In 1Sam 3, Samuel obeyed the Lord’s voice and hearkened to His call. Moses, Abraham and Noah obeyed the Lord on various occasions that helped them meet their purposes in God’s sight.

o Search His purpose from a pure heart (Jer. 29:13; Mat.5;8 and Rom12:1-2). Seek, inquire for and require the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. One can only know and understand God’s purpose for his life if he/she sets up the mind of uprightness and lives the life of godliness and righteousness.

o Make a Godly person your mentor. Where no counsel is, the people; but in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety (Prov.11:14). Most successful people have had good mentors to study from. I chose Brian Tracy and Bishop David Oyedepo but your choice may be more glorious and helpful.

Ideal character

Be a hard master to yourself and be lenient to everyone else. Your ability to develop a reputation as a man of honour and good character is the highest achievement in socio-economic living. If you were to sum up all our decisions and choices in life to date, the answer would be your ideal character (innermost character). This character can be improved, developed and altered. Brian Tracy notes that: Each time you have chosen a way that did not seem right to you, your character weakens a bit. Also, when your actions are consistent with the best results, you have strengthened your character.

A person of good character has virtues like; courage, compassion, kindness, patience, friendliness and many more you can list. However, integrity is ideal of them all. Integrity alone can guarantee all other virtues. When one has integrity, he never compromises. He is honest and respects his truthful and good decisions without undermining other people. It takes a man of integrity to do the right thing. Emerson said, your integrity must be guarded as a sacred thing: nothing at last is sacred except the integrity of your own mind.

And God said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on earth, a perfect man, one that fears God, and eschews evil? He holds fast his integrity though you have moved me against him, to destroy him without cause (Job 2:3). Chapter 27:5 continues as Job said, “God forbid that I should justify you: till I die, I will not remove my integrity from me”. Job was a man of integrity that God Testified about. The reading lays bare the fact that, Job had integrity in himself. I will not remove my integrity from me.

Anytime you show good character, you feel excellent about yourself. You gain self-esteem, respect and favour. People will admire you, testify about you and open doors for you. All advancements in society begins with development of character (Aristotle). Through prayer, the word of God, instruction, study and practice, I see you with the best of character ever. A self-disciplined person with ideal character, always behaves consistently in doing the right thing, sets goals, strives for excellence without compromise, and has courage.
Thus_ an ideal character.

Though childish, but it is a universal law that could shape a life that aims at self-discipline. In any circumstance, before taking a decision, just ask yourself……. What Would Jesus Do? According to Immanuel Kant, behave as though your behaviour is to become a universal law for all persons to follow. He is of the revelation that Jesus behaved such that He has become a universal law for most.

Let me share this Indian story I found interesting in Brian Tracy’s No Excuses!
On my shoulders are two wolves. One black, evil and tempts me to do wrong things. One the other shoulder was a white wolf who encourages me to give my best. Then a listener asked him, “Which of the wolves had much power over you”? He replied, the one I feed.

Remember that whatever you dwell upon grows quickly.

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hes right @richforever ...keep working and doing more...its a nice writeup

well done bro, but your first tag could have been life. tags are very important

Thanx sir

Nice post bro