God Was Placed In The Womb... A Case Against Abortion... Men Have A Say Too

in chooselife •  8 years ago  (edited)


When making any moral decision we must always take cognisance of the consequences our decisions will bring.

For years they have been a long battle on both sides of the abortion war some believe that a mother has a right to choose whether to give birth, the others believe that abortion is murder.

Before we go further i have a question to ask you. What is the most precious thing to God?, well if you don't know let me tell you.

The most precious thing to God is his son Jesus, and where did God put his most precious possesion? In a Womb.

When Jesus decided to come to this world to die for us, God did not send him in the form of a grown Man to die for our sins. No, he put him the Womb of a Human being.

That itself says a lot about abortion if God could entrust the life of his son at such a vulnerable stage to the Human Womb, then committing an abortion is like going into a safe Zone prepared by God and ransacking the thing he loves the most.

God also created the womb to be a place from where he would bring people into this world, committing abortion is robbing God of a potential worshipper if there is anything that should grieve us about abortion it should be that Christ has been robbed of his glory. We all want children to have a life. But more than that we want them to have a life in christ, which he came to offer by entering this world in the womb of a virgin

When it comes to abortion, some people think that Men has no right to speak as they are not the ones who carry the pregnancy, but moral duty is not an arbitrary social construct but based on God commands and character. The Judgement of this issue should not be based whether we are Male or Female.

If abortion qualifies as murder, then both Men and Women has a responsibility to oppose it. Even without taking any Biblical reference, there are seven reasons why men have the right to speak up about abortion.

  1. Every Man bears a significant part of the responsibilty for creating an abortion culture, most abortion are committed due to negligent fathers, these men should repent and show the fruit of repentence by opposing abortion.

  2. All men were once in the womb, they were once potential victims of abortion and many many abortion victims are male.

  3. Every aborted child has a father, the child that is about to be aborted is not an isolated unit, and was not concieved by a unisex mother, but a fruit of both the father and mother, so the males should have some say on what happens.

  4. Men are part of a society that is being deprived annually of hundreds of thousands of people.No human life exists in a vacuum, we are all beings in relationship with one another

  5. The possessions of a uterus have nothing to do with making moral judgements, the objection that Men has no Uterus is completely arbitrary, how does having a Uterus affect one's ability to make a valid moral judgement. We all know that part of masculinity is speaking up for the vulnerable, no part of the Human community is currently as vulnerable as those still in the womb and common sense calls for their protection from any who are able and this includes men.


Special thanks to @christian-trail for the wonderful work they are doing here on steemit.

My thanks also go to writers like @surpassingoogle and @papa-pepper who inspire me daily to put in my best.

Thanks for reading

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Great article, my friend! Upvoted & Resteemed. The argument my body my choice is totally salacious! It's NOT the woman's body, it belongs to someone else. If it were their body it would be them being killed. Remember God's words: "I knew you before you were born." I'm terrible at reciting Bible verses, I can never remember exactly where they come from.

People that claim to be Christian and still support abortion are the worst of all hypocrites! I always say to them: Do you believe in Jesus? They always say yes. I ask: Do you believe he's coming back. Again the answer is yes. So I ask: What if he's aborted??? That's another problem... you don't know who you're aborting. Every individual has potential- what if you abort the person that would go on to cure cancer? You just don't know!

I also like your point about the man's right. It takes two people to make a child and both have an equal right to see that child be born! Once again, great article!

Thank you for reading and dropping your insights. God bless you @richq11

And may God bless you too my Brother!

Awesome article. Abortion can never be justified no matter how we try to white wash it. Great job @ogochukwu

That is very true. thanks for reading @ogoowinner

Notice that those who pretend they support "choice" never do so for the baby - which is never given a choice.

Very true, there is no one on this earth if given a choice whether to live or die would choose death @dragon40

It is a sad situation and not one to be taken lightly. Which is why I donate to a Pregnancy Center that aims at giving women alternative options like adoption and free checkups throughout the birthing process.

And that, my friend, is a "choice" "pro-choice" abortion pimps would deny to all women.

Which is ironic because keeping a child/adoption should be a choice too.

Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Marxists do not believe in choice, only power. Nothing they say can be held credible. The unborn baby has no choice, the mother has no choice - only destruction of human life can be permitted. These folks demand total submission, nothing less.

I personally can't judge those who have decided to abort their child because for one, I can see situations where the woman might feel she has no other choice or the situation in which a fetus was conceived was not one God would ever want His children to be put in, and I also can't judge because I have my own bucket of sins. Sure, they're different but nowhere in the Bible does God give us a scale to weigh whose sin is worse. I can't poke at a little speck in your eye when I have a log cabin in my own. We are not called to judge, but to pray, have faith, love, and to be a servant. If you're a Christian just remember that God showed mercy to those others would've condemned.

Thanks for reading and adding your views.

Personally, i am not condemning those that has done it, I am just saying that it is something that needs to be stopped @tabislick

Thank you for the clarification. I also think abortion should be prevented. The anti-abortion cause is noble, but we're trying to stop a reaction. What we should be doing is looking for the root cause of the problem and fixing that. Otherwise, it's like rebooting your desktop when the problem is server-side.

I compeletely agree with you .:)

Thanks for reading @happyphoenix

excellent article!!!!

Thanks for reading @dottie

Good call. Abortion must be abolished in Jesus' name. We must not regulate murder but rather oppose and abolish it for the glory of the God whose image is desecrated in abortion.