After three decades in about a million different ports the Apple to classic choplifter has finally gotten a sequel and holy crap was it worth the wait get to the choppa undertoads
it's choplifter HD released earlier this month to the PlayStation Network choplifter HD is again the somewhat belated follow-up to the 1981 original
choplifter trying to resurrect these ancient franchises with modern sequels is no easy task as so many failed attempts of proven but in exile entertainment is right on target in
choplifter HD like the original choplifter HD is a side-scrolling game of aerial combat and rescue flying a helicopter into dangerous war zones your objective is generally to extract
the survivors and get the hell out of there of course since you're under heavy enemy fire you're mounted machine gun might also come in handy not to mention your freakin missiles
each level has locations where prisoners are being held captive so you fly to these encampments and land the chopper pick up your friends and fly back to the base your goal is to
save everyone as quickly as possible but that's easier said than done the enemy's trying to shoot you down but you also have to consider your helicopters weight limit that means
you'll have to make multiple trips to get everyone back and that means you'll have to prioritize so choplifter HD is kind of like a puzzle game in a sense given your vehicle and
the landscape you have to figure out the best way to complete your mission of course pulling that off is an exhilarating experience in vintage side-scrolling action snipers shoot at
you from rooftops missiles buzz your propellers all the while your fuel is running low and one of your passengers is injured and living on a timer there's a lot of multitasking in
choplifter HD and the game puts as much as it can possibly stack on your plate it gets surprisingly intense and it's really hard to put down but considering how simple the game is you
might expect it to get repetitive but it never really happens in choplifter HD as the missions progress that continually adds some new wrinkle to the gameplay just when you think
you've figured it out you get some ridiculous new enemy or ambush the game always forces you to react and so the gameplay never gets boring or stale the fun of the action is
complemented well by the game's sense of humor your pilots like to comment on enemy kills offering some deadpan observance after you've blown someone apart also suffice to say it won't
just be shooting at soldiers in choplifter HD so the game never takes itself too seriously and that makes it even better choplifter HD is a retro throwback with a lot of character it has all the dressings of a modern game
with lots of choppers and DLC packs one of which is free but it also resurrects that race for the high-score intensity that was the
cornerstone of the arcade Golden Age this game is just a blast to play and even though it took 30 years
to return to the skies choplifter shows no signs of rust in choplifter HD thanks no job maybe your next story could be like on a bake sale.