Back on the Wagon with Prayer Requests...

in christ-trail •  7 years ago 


I'm sure everyone reading this knows the drill with prayer requests, but if only for the sake of justifying the existence of the post, I have to type at least a little bit, right?

When it comes to Acts of God, I have to say, I have seen a lot. I have seen people who were clearly going against the will of the divine (at the time), receive undeniable signs that they were on the wrong path. I have seen people request things of God that have not been granted, but instead, the prayer not being fulfilled opened a door that led to something far greater than their initial request.

I didn't initially plan on this, but I am going to share something that few people know.

Around the middle of 2001, I was in a place where I had lost all interest in life, everything seemed like a chore or an occurrence specifically existing to make my life more difficult. One day I made a decision. I sat myself in a bath full of warm water, fully clothed, with a knife.

The intention, I assume, is clear?

Just as I was on the verge of making the final decision... something ...made me put down the knife.

No, this wasn't a prayer. I was what I used to refer to as Atheistic, but upon reflection I think Agnostic would be more accurate. It was simply that I felt a force that I could not quantify at the time, steer me in a different direction. That night 16 years ago, I met the woman that I have now been married to for almost 11 years, and have two sons with.

One of those sons was a fulfilment of biblical prophecy in the form of the Torah Code. I have posted on that before, but may need to do it again.

Long story short, God will act upon your life, but the chances of it happening increase one thousand fold if you actually open your heart to him. My heart was not open to anyone at that stage of my life, but without that experience, my heart would not have opened 11 years later when I experienced Christ

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Just pray for GOD's Will to be done OVER our own and that his kingdom comes swiftly! God Bless.

May God's will be done!

Prayer Request: May the World Leaders usher in the King soon!
