When Christ Appear

in christ •  7 years ago 

Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


It's a glorious thing to be in Christ. But it shall be more glorious when Christ return to take us to be with Him. On that glorious day He shall appear for us to see Him as He's. As we see Him, we shall become like Him, HALLELUJAH! We shall glow like Him and shine like Him. We shall appear with Him in glory!

Are you in Christ? Being in church without being in Christ is vanity. Christ shall only appear to individuals, individuals that have turn away from sin and totally surrender to Him.

Make the right choice today: come to Jesus now, for the rapture is at hand.

Let's pray together.
Thank you Lord for giving us the hope of glory. Please touch every heart that is hardened and cause them to repent, in Jesus name. Amen.

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Christ in us , our hope of glory


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@greatness yes Jesus is always with me & blessed me :)

Amen. Thanks for reading