The 23rd of the month...

in christ •  7 years ago 

26678262_1947802682138161_7901283946455755445_o.jpgI will start by saying that the full meaning of these events I am about to describe is still a little bit beyond me, but what it has definitely inspired in me is a greater degree of self-reflection, and to take deeper consideration of the events and circumstances around me.

near the end of October last year, I ended up spending a few days away from home in accommodation near Coffs Harbour, on the coast of New South Wales in Australia, close to a beach by the name of Karora. One of the days we were there, dated the 23rd to be exact, I saw a stone which immediately caught my attention, and I decided to keep, as it seemed to be that it was intended to be mine, as where it was placed, thousands of people would have seen it over the decades, yet none had picked it up.
Here is the stone I speak of;

By way of explanation; I have been working in direct service to God and the Returned Christ since late 2012/early 2013. Despite the repeated attempts of those around me to belittle what I know to be the truth or their insistence on disregarding proof and documented evidence, I steadfastly refused to give up on what I have learned through over twenty years of following a straight and narrow path, learning as much as possible.

That said, I am human, and in that respect, I made the mistake of allowing my flaws and weaknesses to have a negative effect on my service to our creator. In December of last year, on the 23rd (again) to be exact, I was given an unmistakable wake-up call. If what I am about to describe comes across sounding like I received a punishment, then either my explanation is insufficient, or some of the readers of this are not yet at the necessary level of understanding to comprehend the meaning. Anyway, I digress...

When I was 14 years old I was diagnosed with epilepsy. In late 2012 when I acknowledged Lord RayEl as the returned Christ, I was granted...perhaps not a healing, but definitely a protective buffer, which only self-neglect or dereliction of duty could compromise. On two separate occasions, I experienced seizures around Christmas/New years, admittedly due to self-neglect in the form of a combination of lack of sleep and alcohol, which I knew in advance were triggers for seizures, and so - self-inflicted, my own fault. As I mentioned in the last paragraph I received a wake-up call. that came in the form of three seizures, on December 23. The primary cause was admittedly dereliction of a duty that I swore myself to. In my own eyes, this post is not me trying to make excuses, but perhaps it may make amends for that dereliction to some extent by openly admitting my failings, hopefully, to point out to all of you that if you have something in your life where you feel you are failing, there is always room, if you can swallow your pride and ask for help from above, to come back from the worst of low points. I also feel that if I can be mature enough to acknowledge that this wake-up call was brought about by my own (in)action, as a form of tough love, delivered by the Lord so that I may learn, grow, and hopefully pass on something through which others can benefit. I would like to think this is a far more desirable and mature way to accept what I have experienced than doing what I have seen others with epilepsy do.
Sulk, moan, complain and curse God for 'punishing them' Honestly, even if that line stings a little bit and inspires a little self-reflection, I do not mean it in a negative way, nor am I trying to be condescending. It is simply a potential starting point to grow from. At this stage at least I have no way of knowing what anyone reading this has been through in your life, so I am not currently in a position to judge. I think I'm on the verge of starting to waffle on, so I will move on to my next trick.

Another event has occurred just recently, this time on January 23rd (picking up on a pattern here?), in the region of Coffs Harbour (again) This time the event was a swarm of earthquakes, up to magnitude 4.2.
Now an individual earthquake in Australia on its own is rare enough...I don't have concrete data on hand but the last significant one that comes to mind was almost 30 years ago in the city of Newcastle, a 5.6.

Now, all in all, I find the repeated occurrence of the 23rd day of the month to be beyond coincidence, and a certain Jim Carrey movie that I have never actually seen keeps coming to mind. I was even going to post an image of the movie poster, which I clearly have no ownership over, but I would rather not risk a copyright violation for the sake of making the post a little prettier.

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This is very interesting, brother. I kind of find a little humor in this from the movie 23 ;) Maybe it was an early Illuminati hint!

I watched that movie and then I started making everything equal 23 LOL

I see specific numbers a lot too. At times though I have been seeing double numbers a lot. I always wondered what it specifically means, I always find out much later.

Time to climb back on the horse and get to work. He is giving you clear signs and warnings cause he loves you dearly, but he is not afraid to give tough love.

Some take offense to stern guidance, wanting their hands held and diapers cleaned. Others take responsibility and prove a greater-than-average spiritual worth. Glad to see you choose the latter, brother.

Jeremiah's Hope
Lamentations 3:22-24
…22The LORD'S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. 23They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 24"The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him."…

It is clear that 23 is your number as these things seem to keep happening on that date.

The only pattern I've seen here is that the lord has the power to completely heal everyone of his clergy, but instead of doing that, he just makes you all carry the load while you are still suffering.

That would be like riding an injured horse and instead of getting off and mending its wounds, just grinding the poor thing into the ground and watching it suffer. Only a sick fuck, who inwardly truly despised that horse, could do such a cruel thing and not bat an eye. A demented psychopath, however, would take it a step further and convince the horse it was at fault.

If the lord takes such poor care of the few people, like you, who are working so hard for him - what message do you think that sends to everyone you are trying to persuade?

I really don't understand this point of view. The only times I havw experienced seizures since I found him is when I was careless. I'm a grown adult, and I'm aware of what triggers my seizures. Regardless of the protection I have, to poke the bear is irresponsible. Having, as I said, a protective buffer as opposed to a healing still allows me to learn, grow and develop a sense of responsibility. Before finding the Lord, the seizures would take months to recover from physically, and were increasing in severity each time to the point where my last one before finding him landed me in a medically induced coma, with pneumonia, a partially collapsed lung, and kidneys shutting down. At the point of medical knowledge at that time, this alone was a death sentence.
My most recent seizures, I recovered from within 48 hours.
To make the claims and accusations you have just shows a mentality of immaturity.

This post has received a 1.94 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @mstaader.

I know that they were expecting many end events on the 23rd of certain months .. verrry intriguing
