in christain-trail •  7 years ago 



WHAT IS VICTORY? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, victory is success in defeating an enemy or opponent or the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist. Generally speaking, victory is to succeed in defeating an enemy or the act of winning in any kind of struggle or contest. Spiritually, victory is more than that, it is the inner confidence that overcomes discouragement, doubt and unbelief and the assurance that God is in control of all our situations and circumstances.

WHAT IS LIVING? To live is to remain alive. Living then is to continue to be alive. Living in victory then means to continue to have success in defeating one's enemies through the act of inner confidence that overcomes discouragement, doubt and unbelief in this world till Jesus comes. Before we talk of victory, there must be a fight or a battle, or a struggle. This world is a battle field, we have known and unknown enemies but the four major enemies of Christians are; sin, self, the world, Satan and his cohorts. But one thing you need to realize as Christians is that, the day you became genuinely born again you were born into total and continuous victory. This is because God had already made provision for how it would be easy for you to live a continuous, victorious life and this is through His grace. Rom. 5:17. It is not the plan of God that His children should live a defeated life but that they live a victorious life physically, spiritually, maritally, financially and in all facets of life. Living in victory therefore is a concluded issue for Christians. 1 Corinthians 15:57.
Living in victory is the right of every child of God, but does not mean a life that is void of temptation, trials, or life challenges. It only means a triumphant life over sin (Rom 6:14), principalities and power (Luke 10:19). It is a life that takes dominion over the flesh, sin, the world, principalities and power. A life of regular fellowship with Jesus in the midst of unspeakable joy and peace. It is a life that is encompassed by the glory of God all the time.

One who is genuinely born again, because, he is already born into the family of God. He is a joint heir with Jesus the son of God who had ultimate superiority over sin, principalities and power and who was victorious throughout His life on earth. God has already made provisions for all His children to have it. 1 Cor. 15:57, 1 John 5:4.

The text we read, Ephesians 6:10-18, itemized the weapons we can use to fight our enemies in order to have this long lasting life of victory which are:

(1) Salvation- Knowing the truth.
(2) Walking in righteousness
(3) Soul-wining-preaching the Gospel
(4) Having a strong faith
(5) Mastering the Word of God
(6) Prayer

  1. SALVATION: You need to be redeemed i.e genuine repentance that will enable you know and accept the truth. John 8:32. That is talking Jesus as your Lord. This will make you surrender your life and all you have to Jesus completely. You will no longer place your will over God's will, that is, your wealth, time, family, worries. Your present and future will now be controlled by Jesus Christ. You will give God the first place in your life, so all you are and have will be His.

  2. WALKING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: To remain saved or grown in grace are both tough cases of spiritual fights and we can only win by living a life free of sin. No one can win the way to heaven without fighting for it, to be victorious in this battle you need to live righteously before God. If you are righteous then you will be bold, Proverbs 28:1 you will not be afraid of the devil, for he will not be able to accuse you of any wrong, this will lead to a resounding victory over the devil.

  3. SOUL WINNING: A victorious Christian life should be full of the act of sharing his or her precious Love for Jesus with others. It is the Lords commission and this is another weapon of victory on its own because Jesus told His disciples when sending them out that he will be with them till the end. If Jesus is with anyone that person is already a victor.

  4. HAVING A STRONG FAITH: Mathew 17:20 to continue in a life of victory is to continue to trust Jesus as your victory. Victorious life is made possible through the life of faith because it enables you to praise God in the midst of trials and temptations, adversities and life challenges. A life of strong faith is not controlled by circumstances, depression, feelings or emotions but by confidence in the word of God. It makes one believe that God means what he says and He says what He means. Faith drives away fear because fear is a task master sent by the devil 1 John 4:18b, 2 Timothy 1:7. Of a truth Satan is roaring seeking who to devour but the bible does not say you are the person he will devour, to give room to fear means you have put yourself in bondage and oppression of the devil. All God's promises to others in the bible are yours through faith. So, claim these promises and tell the devil to go to blazes.

  5. MASTERING THE WORD OF GOD: The Word of God is the sword that His children can use when there is a battle to fight, it is the source of the power of God to salvation Obedience to the Holy Spirit is through the word. When a christian is careless about the daily study of the word of God, he will fall for Satan's deceptions. God's Word through your heart and your mouth are irresistible weapons that the devil can't stand Romans 10:10. You must do this steadfastly and in faith believing that since the Holy Spirit is supporting you, you have become the devil's master, and a master over life challenges. The bible says resist the devil and he will flee, you can only do this with the word of God. James 4:7. To fight the devil and defeat him, you need deep knowledge of God's words.

  6. PRAYER: Luke 18:1, ! Thessalonians 5:17 This is the act of pouring out our minds to God on what we want and it is the most powerful of all Christian weapons 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. When there is no daily prayerful life, there cannot be victory over the devil. God is waiting to act on your words. Numbers 14:28, Mark 11:23-24. Your heart and your mouth are the two great weapons with which you can access your life of victory. If you do not rise to the circumstances of life, your victory cannot come. Life does not give us what we want but what we demand. This is why you need to discipline yourself to rise up early and pray, and your prayers should be without ceasing.


CONCLUSION: If you are facing trials and temptations, challenges of life like barrenness, sickness, poverty, oppression or whatever it is, don't allow them to rob you of your victory. You are not alone. Satan's power is only within the realm that you allow him. Don't forget that you have been given ALL powers not some of the powers of the enemy Luke 10:19. Realize your greatness in God and challenge the devil and it will result to a life of resounding victory. As you use all these weapons, I pray that you will be living in victory till we see Christ in glory in Jesus name. Amen.

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