in christain-trail •  6 years ago 

"And after six days Jesus taketh peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart" (Matt. 17:1).
The Lord was to choose three people for a special encounter on the mountain top and two of them were from the Zebedee family, whereas so many families were left out of this favoured group. Although God's plan of salvation is for whole families, every family determines how that plan will its people. When Mrs Zebedee was notified of her son's quest for Heavenly greatness, she encouraged them. She even took the issue to the Lord on their behalf. Being that they went about it the wrong way, the Lord corrected them and showed them how to be truly great in Heaven. That was how James and John became part of the Lord's trio. What did the parents of the other disciples do to encourage their children? As a parent, you have a great part to play in the lives of your children. Whether they will become what God wants them to be or not, has a lot to do with the foundation you provide for them. Failing to play your God-given role, can retard, delay or even erode their destiny.


Every member of your nuclear and extended family must not only become a born again Christian, but a minister of God. It is wrong if you are the only saved member of the family: You will be a lone ranger. But if you are able to get others to join you, it increases your voice, stand and influence. A particular parent observed the change in the conduct and character of his son since he started attending church. He was so impressed that he accomplished him to church one day. That was how he became integrated in the faith and has risen to become a senior pastor in the church. Do not be silent until your unsaved spouse is saved. Don't be quiet until that child is born again. Every member of your family must be converted. No member of your family must be missing in Heaven. If any family is to be favored for a special Heavenly blessing, it must be your family. But what are you doing to attract this? Whatever price you need to pay - in evangelism, prayer and fasting, love seed, follow up, constant teaching of the Word, encouragement, etc., pay it and ensure that members of your family are not only in God's kingdom but that they are preferred.

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