in christain-trail •  7 years ago 

Our daily lives are filled with stories of losses, delay, and the unexpected; but hidden in each if these events is our long life, career success and financial favour. In most cases,GAIN WILL SHOW UP IN YOUR LIFE AS PAIN, inspiration will show up as frustration, promotion will often show up as demotion, favour most often will visit as labour. Learn to appreciate what you called bad circumstances because they are your truck load carrying your goodness in disguise.


What you are crying over could have been worst (nothing just happened).

A wise man said: "people changes since that you may have to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate then when they are right, you believe those who lied to you, so that you can eventually learn to trust no one except yourself and God, sometimes good things fall apart so that the better things can fall together. " You cannot enjoy a happy relationship with someone who is wearing a mask, so God will provoke every liar in your life to show you who they are through betrayal. Refuse to complain.

Oh! I remember Henry Beecher said "The unthankful heart discovers no mercies but the thankful heart will find, in every hour some heavenly blessings" Difficulties are opportunities in disguise, endings are new beginnings. We just don't know it at the time it happens. There is nothing like delay or lateness in divine blessing because all it takes is 5 minutes with a right one to be thankful for all the wrong ones that prepared you for the unique person. A heart break is a blessing from God. He is letting you know that, He saved you from the wrong ones. Just because so. Some

thing didn't work out for the Best. Your best is hidden in your test
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Share with the poem below :

We all want happiness

and dread the thought of rain

When the sun fails to shine,

We worry and complain.

We forget that God above

Is infinitely wise,
And sometimes our burden
Are blessings in disguise

Indeed, burden, burden are blessing in disguise . The test of life are not meant to break you but to make you break records.

You were rejected so that you can be selected. Sometimes in life, God's blessings are

Not in what He gives but rather in what He takes but rather I'm what He takes a way. Loneliness is not a disadvantaged sometimes; it is a blessing and opportunity to think alone.
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