The Christchurch Pact: with the Info-DEVIL!

in christchurchshooting •  6 years ago  (edited)

The Christchurch Pact: with the Info-DEVIL!
How the Globalist Deep-State turns Tragedy into an attack on Freedom...

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Dear world-wide patriots, non-conformists, starseeds, social commentators, activists, critics, and citizens who believe in “fair play”.

It is my duty now to inform you, of what all traditional media will not:
Freedom is under very great threat.

On Friday the 15th March, barely two months ago, Brenton Tarrent was arrested and charged for the massacre of 50 people, and the wounding of 50 more, in shooting attacks on Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch and the Masjid mosque in Linwood, New Zealand. This has become known as the “Christchurch Shooting” or the “Christchurch Massacre”. An opinion on this event can be read here:

Tarrent is a scrote, a turd on the shoe of humanity, but he was also labelled world wide as a “far-right extremists”. He certainly has whacked out ideas, predominately some form of eco-fascism IE fascism justified in the name of “the Planet”. What he thought he was doing it for is irrelevant.
How others have used the catalyst of this event, is not.

In a pattern seem time and again in countries around the world following a “shooting event”, the immediate response was a push for strong anti-gun laws, which New Zealands duly delivered the votes to back in April 2019 As is usual in these situations, these laws would be unlikely to have prevented the incident: criminals break laws: but do reduce the number of weapons in citizens hands, always a key move towards societies becoming more dictatorial. Repression always starts at home in a Police State. This creeping disarming of world citizenry has been observed for many years.

But this time, the agenda has gone further, and done so very quickly without public scrutiny.
Who here has heard… of the Christchurch PACT?

“TERROR TECH BAN Britain will sign up to global pact to stamp out terrorism online after Christchurch mosque massacre

Theresa May is expected to pledge to sign up to the 'Christchurch call'”
Reported the SUN 4 days ago:
It turns out that 17 countries have decided to unite with big tech to take action against “online extremism” in the aftermath of Christchurch.

They now normalise and legitimise ghostbanning, chilling, and full-on un-personing of anyone they choose to target on the internet: with neither oversight or justification!

To type ABOUT Tommy Robinson on Facebook, not even to link his content, but just to talk about him, especially from within the UK, is to invite immediate 30 day ban and even full removal of accounts and any pages or groups that account may run. NO APPEAL. NO JUSIFICATION. This has been warned about, but now the Christchurch Pact is signed, in full action. This has noticeably impacted any attempt to share the news Tommy is again to face trial for contempt of court over Leeds, especially if ones view is this equals political state persecution. In a progressive world view based on victim-hood, the one person forbidden victimhood is the unmentionable, the bogey man upon who to project all inner fears

And this is the thin end of the wedge that will destroy freedom to speak against power on the internet altogether if not stopped now, before it is too late.

You may read this and think Tommy Robinson is a bad person who deserves to be censored, that people shouldn’t be allowed to talk about him or his ideas, or his legal campaign for election in the 2019 UK Euro Elections.
Its easy to act as fascists to those we have been convinced ARE fascists: when human beings are de-humanised, we are far less likely to treat them humanely.

How long till this is a climate change protestor, or some firebrand on the left, who has this silencing treatment? And if people with huge profiles like Tommy or Paul Joseph Watson can disappear off the net without oversight or justification, so can ANYONE, so will anyone, and for every major figure who gets attention, there will be a 1000 more who will not. Anyone who has used social media to comment on society, in ANY way, faces sharing the coming social media account ARMEGEDDON!

France, New Zealand, Canada, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Norway, Senegal, the UK, as well as the European Commission, Australia, Germany, Japan, Italy, India, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.
Tech companies Amazon, Facebook, Dailymotion, Google, Microsoft, Qwant, Twitter, and YouTube have also signed on.


What is worse is, these measures will not make anything better: it will make the corrupt and power hungry sociopaths of the globalist cabal feel SAFER, that they can silence and unperson any dissent, and they are no doubt pleased with themselves taking the chance to push towards their global technocracy:

But they face the awakened hearts minds and souls of MILLIONS world wide who embody the GREAT AWAKENING.

America stands apart as a beacon of freedom and free speech.
President Trump stands AGAINST the Christchurch Pact: he stands against such Devil’s deals to stitch up society and steal freedom.

Already, in the few short days since the pact was signed, we have felt massive effects ripple across the freedom loving networks of the internet. Not only the Chan forums, but alternate competitors to You Tube like Bit Chute, were reported as down in Australia and New Zealand.

This will only get worse and injustice perpetrated by those with power who do not care to hear the voice of truth can only increase.

Never-the-less, when pushed, freedom loving people must be more determined than ever to stand, on their values and principles, and say NO to schemes that remove freedom in the name of “safety”.

In this again (BLOCKED IN THE EU!) President Trump is leading the way. The White House now has a website where people can report censorship and even more aggravated ARTICLE 19 RIGHT TO FREE EXPRESSION abuses they have suffered at the hands of the Globalist Tech Companies, most ESPECIALLY Facebook and Twitter!


And demand ACCOUNTABILITY for nations that dare to become both censor, arbitrator and editor of truth!

Rather than welcome the Christchurch Pact as a weapon against hate, we should rightly be sceptical that states as rotten as France and the United Kingdom are gripped by their love of their people and only want to keep them safe.
The corrupt are driven, above all else, by the fear of losing their power, and they will grasp any straw and take any liberty in the name of repressing and crushing their enemies: especially those who expose their corruption and bring forth ideas to point a better way!

Like those who back Brexit to restore Freedom to the UK, or support President Trump to take down the criminal Deep State in the USA.

All who are in this fight, who want to make this stand, who want the world to change, to make a better destiny for ourselves and especially our children, must stand together, be brave, and keep speaking out every way we can, adapting and evolving onto new platforms that place the defence of freedom and free speech at the upmost of what they do!

Society stands and falls on its values: therefore, let us embody the world we want to see, and defeat all insidious creep towards tyranny.

In the end, Freedom is a choice, to be made individually by each of us. And Courage is to feel the fear and do it anyway. Its when we act TOGETHER we are unstoppable.

Good luck and much love.

John the White

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