For by God's Spirit

in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

The Spirit of God has filled me
I can praise Jesus all day;
I praise Him with the spirit
This is the only way.
I thank God for His Spirit
That He has given me;
For by God's Spirit I understand
What happened at Calvary.
God's Spirit is the Comforter
The Spirit of truth indeed,
He is the Spirit of Jesus
By which God meets my need.
God's Spirit dwells within me
Upon Him I do rely
To help me in my praying
Through Him, Christ magnify.

My Spirit glorifies Jesus
I can pray in tongues unknown;
For by the Spirit's acts
The power of God is shown.
I praise the Father and the Son
For Holy Spirit power,
And I have come to understand
I need Him every hour.
So, if you want God's Spirit
To empower you today;
Just ask of God by Faith
Kneel down right now and pray

Acts 8:14 - 17

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