in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me
Psalm 55:16
It is one thing to call the name of a person and another to call upon the name. For instance, if you point to the mother of a little child and ask who she is, he/she will say mama. However, if this same child is in trouble and desperately needs help, he/she will cry mama until the mum appears. Whereas the former is simply calling the mother's name, the latter is calling upon her name.
To call upon someone is to call with an expectancy of his/her appearing. It involves a great deal of passion and sincere longing for the person to turn up. Calling upon the name of the Lord is not just mentioning Jesus but doing so with an expectancy that he will show up.
In times of trouble, the best thing to do is to call upon the Lord because only he is all powerful to save you irrespective of the gravity of the situation.

Before you think of any other possible solution when faced with a challenge, first call upon Jesus.

Lord I trust in you to show up anytime I call upon you.

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The Lord's Prayer, transliterated to its essence: "Thy Will be done, in my life, and in the world." It's what I say after I call upon the Lord.

That is good bro. Keep on calling him