He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
There are a lot of promises in Psalm 91. Promises of absolute security and safety( vrs 2-12), total triumph over the devil and all his agents ( vrs 13), honour ( vrs 14-15) and long life( vrs 16). These promises are however all tied to one condition which is in the verse 1: "He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High".
In Moses's tabernacle which is a picture/prototype of the true heavenly temple( Heb 9:9), the secret place was the Holy of Holies where only the High Priest could enter( Heb 10:7). However through Christ's death, not only the High Priest is allowed to enter the secret place( Holy of Holies ), but everyone who believes in the cleansing power of the blood( Heb 10:19). One enters this place by faith ( believing and confessing that you are there ) and a guilty free conscience; knowing that before God, the believer is Holy and blameless( Col 1:22) [ Heb 10:22].
In summary, anyone who walks through life with the consciousness that he is in God's presence by faith in the works of Christ dwells in the secret place of God and is entitled to all the blessings of Psalm 91.
Always walk with the consciousness that you are in God's presence.
Dear Holy Spirit, help me stay my mind on God's presence.