in christian-trail •  7 years ago  (edited)



Some Bible prophecy advocates think Bitcoin — a form of digital currency — could become the "Mark of the Beast" mentioned in the New Testament's Book of Revelation.

Revelation 13: 16- 17: And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name.

The Mark of the Beast is thought to be among the characteristics of the "tribulation years," and some believe Bitcoin is in a position to fulfill the prophecy by becoming or morphing into the one-world currency the anti-Christ will use to gain economic control worldwide.

A new digital currency was launched in 2008 and is getting the attention of many different groups, especially those of us that cover the topic of Bible Prophecy.

The Bitcoin is a digital currency that allows for anonymous transactions and is completely decentralized. Since it is a 'peer to peer' currency, there is no central control of it. One of the key elements of The Mark Of The Beast is to be able to prevent those that refuse to take the Mark from buying and selling. Bitcoins are decentralized and prevent any such control. This is why in our new video we make the point that this may be the most anonymous of any financial account you can have today.

We have personally started taking a small portion of our weekly income and buying Bitcoins. The value of a Bitcoin has risen from only a few cents to nearly $12 in just the last four years. This is why some people are even buying this new currency as an investment. We believe the Bitcoin is very interesting and something that you should look into. Bitcoins can be used for online purchases and easily be converted back into U.S. Dollars or any major world currency. You can start buying Bitcoins for as little as just $20 as an initial purchase.


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To get the mark you will have to renounce your faith in Christ or worship the image of the Beast. Simply using Bitcoin won't send you to hell for all eternity.

No matter how we try to prevent the mark of the beast from taking place it will still come to pass since Christ has prophesied it. No prayer can stop the world from not ending. No prayer can stop Christ prophesies from not happening. It can only be postponed but not cancelled

Yes, maybe it's the mark of the beast, when bitcoin get the world currency and there is no more cash money. One click and your financial life is zero, a perfect tool for the elite for absolutely control.

Yes, I think so too.