Daily spiritual digest

in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

Focus: Play your Part

Nothing truly works without a definite process; the affairs of this life is ruled by principles. You have a part to play in becoming what God wants you to be!!!
Scriptural Reference
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NKJV).

Our Lord Jesus did not just became the Lord of all. It took a process. He played His part by submitting to the process involved. Joseph did not become what he became suddenly but endured a process that brought about the fulfillment of God's purpose for His life.

David after he was anointed to be the king of Israel did not ascend the throne immediately but had to wait on God during the process of His making.

Abraham's children were not as many as the stars of heaven immediately he was told to count the stars. It came to pass after he submitted to a process.

Good things of life don't work out suddenly. Don't be deceived into thinking that you can achieve something good in life all of a sudden. The world is designed to work out things which follows a process even if it is a miracle. In the midst of God's promises don't fold your hands, submit yourself to the required process needed to fulfill your purpose.

Question For Meditation:

  • Are you submitting yourself to divine process?

Prayer Point:
Lord! Help me to submit myself to divine process designed to make and shape my life in Jesus name. Amen!!!

Main Emphasis:
Your life must follow divine process if you must be what God wants you to be!!!

Have a Wonderful Week Ahead!!!

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Thanks for blessing lives today, believers should be more sincere and hardworking, because they’re the light of the world, we live by example.

Yes, you are right sir. Thanks for reading through