Hear The Word-- My HTW series... Volume 6

in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

Romans 11:13

Still emphasizing on the fact that Grace speaks for we that are called the Sons and Daughters of the most high God.
Today, I will be taking us on the concept of Humility as expressed in the life of Apostle Paul even as he continue doing God's work- which is his Divine call/ Ministry.

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(NKJV) For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry...

Paul knew who he was. He also knew what was entrusted to his care. The message he preached meant a lot to him. He did his duty diligently and for it, he suffered dearly. He was humble enough to call himself chief of sinners and less than the least of the saints. But when it came to his ministry to the Gentiles, apostle Paul relished God's grace upon his life.

That's a hard thing to do: draw a line between the man and his gifting. Too many of us don't seem to acknowledge the difference between the crown and the head that wears it. Learn believer, not to belittle your calling. Serve with all your might in your ministry. See to it that God is glorified in what you do for Him.

Yet, stay humble, for you're only a vessel.

Magnify your ministry, beloved.

Good morning.


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Shalom once more, Thanks for your time!

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Dios te bendiga y te de sabiduría para enfrentar los caminos de la vida

10 commandments of God
believe in one Lord God;
do not create idols for yourself;
not to utter the name of the Lord God in vain;
always remember the day off;
honor and respect parents;
not to kill;
not to commit adultery;
not steal;
not to lie;
not to be jealous.

Yes friend. You are very correct.. Thanks for your contribution.. Hope to see you around.