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From the book of Acts 16:6-10.
Striking verse from the passage: During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, come over to Macedonia and help us. v 9
Paul and his companion were engaged in preaching the gospel in the region of Phrygia and Galatia, but the Holy Spirit kept them from preaching the gospel in the province of Asia. It does not mean that this province does not need the gospel.
We need to learn from Paul that Gods restriction does not mean that we should just seat and wait, but as we keep serving where we are, He will surely let us know where He has prepared for us.
For Paul, it came as a dream, come over to Macedonia and help us. The vision was clear that the Macedonian needed help in and that Paul likewise was needed in the land. The dream only came to confirm the place where Paul was to reach at the given time. Your own may not be a dream but a news from home like Nehemiah, it may also be the sight of the suffering of Gods people like that of Moses.
Beloved, has God restricted you like Paul and his companion? Then serve where you are and the confirmation for the next assignment will come. And once it comes, learn to accept Gods call like Paul. He did not delay in responding to the Macedonian call.
O Lord, help me to be a ready and willing vessel whenever your call comes.