in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

1 Timothy 1:17
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

Eternity- What is it?

Dictionary Definitions:
Eternity(n): the state of being eternal.
Eternal (a)
1. without beginning or end
2. everlasting
3. changeless

🍃Whenever we talk of time, whether short or long, we exit eternity. Time and eternity contrast.

🔹Can you think of eternity, or imagine it?
🔸Did you say 'yes'?
Then you can't, because, the very moment you stopped to say 'yes' or 'no', or do anything else, you created a beginning and an end!

🌿Now eternity is "beginninglessness" and endlessness!!!
It extends backwards and forward, without a start or finish. And must be unchanging as well!

🌾Symbol of Eternity?
Humanly speaking, eternity is not part of our sphere of existence; for even our earth itself isn't eternal.
A circle is the best we can conceive of eternity, in that, it's without beginning or end.
So a ring is often used to symbolize eternity (not a very effective one though, because I just discovered where they joined and sealed it!).

🌸God is eternal; without beginning of days or end of life.
He's ageless, peerless, and endless!!!
He encircles His creation in the sense of His eternity, and hence ever-abiding presence.

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