Don’t Follow Your Heart

in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

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1 John 3:20-21 (KJV)
For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

An argument can be made, I think, that these two verses give us what is the crux of 1 John. It provides for us the value of the heart.

We hear so many say things like “follow your heart.” Is this really wise counsel? Mike Rowe makes the point that, when it comes to occupation[1] a person would be wiser to train for work that is needed rather than for what is our passion. A man may be passionate about sports but he would be wisest to let athletics serve as a pastime and do something else for a living. The Bible warns us that our heart can deceive us.

What is the lesson of this passage? That God is greater than our heart so we must give Him priority over it. Shall we listen to our heart or the Word of God?[2] It must be God’s Word!

Does this mean we ignore our heart? No. Though the heart is not an authority it can serve as an adviser. The heart will frequently point the spiritually tender soul toward the will of God. Sometimes, and this is the point of this passage, the heart will warn us when we are stepping away from the will of God.

God is always greater than our heart. With that conviction we may listen to what the heart says.

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1 John 3:20-21 (KJV) Don’t Follow Your Heart

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[2] Some people mistake their heart for the will of God.

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Just stumbled on your wonderful blog! Followed :)

Great post. I agree our heart is not our guide, the word of God is. We need to obey Gods word above any "feeling" we have.

Thanks for responding. Yes. The heart is an indicator of what God is doing, but it must never be the authority.

Motivation for me, thank you for sharing

You are welcome. Thanks for commenting.

I love this post, I will remember...

God is greater than our heart.

Thank you for sharing!

Thanks! I appreciate your reading it.