Some Remove the Landmarks

in christian-trail •  5 years ago 


Job 24:2 (KJV)
Some remove the landmarks; they violently take away flocks, and feed thereof.

I consider Job’s observation in this passage to be a warning during our current Chinese coronavirus shelter. Combined with the ubiquity of social media, we have the makings of a mass removal of God’s landmarks concerning the local, independent church having only two offices, pastor and deacons.

Some will remove the landmarks unwittingly
With sincere desire to be a help and share the gospel, they will take down the walls of the local church and tread where they do not belong.

Some will remove the landmarks incidentally
In their effort to feed the flock over which God has made them overseer, they will trample on the pastures belonging to other flocks.

Some will remove the landmarks purposefully
Seizing on the day and having no regard for the landmarks of the local churches, they will invade the pastures to steal away the sheep.

Let us be vigilant to protect the landmarks of the local church. Let us not be so caught up in the moment that we forget the very reasons we are Baptist.

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Job 24:2 (KJV) Some Remove the Landmarks

Photos from
Marvin Feb 5 2019 HBBC cropped.jpg

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The NIV is clearer:

(Job 24:2 NIV) Men move boundary stones; they pasture flocks they have stolen.

They're not landmarks. People were moving the boundary stones that marked the limits of their land. They were stealing land from their neighbors.

You know me. I prefer the KJV. It's more honest. :-)