The fullness of the spirit

in christian-trail •  7 years ago  (edited)


The Holy Spirit is all that Jesus is to us and more. He is a person. He is the 'Spirit of truth'. The one who is not born again cannot know Him, see Him or receive him. The Holy Spirit is another Comforter just like Jesus. (alos parakletos). He is our counsellor, intercessor, Advocate, helper, standby, Strengthener, Comforter. When you know the Holy Spirit you will say like David...'I am marvelously helped'. The Spirit of God helps you to pray. Human words are not adequate/ pure enough to communicate with a Holy God so we need a heavenly language to do so.

The believer who is not filled with the Holy Spirit can barely cope with the pressures and challenges of life. We recieve strength through the ministry of the Holy Spirit to win always. While the devil is the accuser of the brethren, the Holy Spirit is our advocate. Our dear Man of God highlighting the diverse ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers using apt examples stirred in the heart of everyone present a deep hunger to fellowship more with Him.

Your spirit and the Holy Spirit have become fused together as one. You need to develop yourself to deploy your full potentials and be all that God has made you. Knowledge is vital for this to be a reality in your life! 1Cor 2:12 - Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are 'freely' given to us of God.

The Spirit of the world is the Spirit of death, failure, despondency, poverty but we have recieved LIFE! God does not take pleasure when his children beg or fast to get anything from him. This knowledge is vital; through knowledge the just is delivered-not from Satan but into his inheritance. Col 1:13- we have been translated into the Kingdom of God's dear son. HEALTH has been freely given to us. Is it possible to constantly live in health? Absolutely! (3Jn 2). God's idea is that we should minister healing to others.

Poverty is not God's will for his children. When you recieve the Holy Spirit, your life ceases to be ordinary. Weak Christianity will not take you anywhere. You have been filled with the Holy Spirit for a purpose.

One of the greatest signs of a man being filled with the Spirit is that the word of God is not a second opinion for him' The Holy Spirit is not tongues. Speaking in tongues stirs up the power in you. Christian maturity is first found in your mouth. What do you say and how do you say it? The Holy Spirit will always direct your attention to the word of God. Acts 20:32- You have been commended to God and to the word of his grace not the word of his judgement!

Every child of God has an inheritance. Health, prosperity etc is not for a select few. God has given you charge of your life and angels are waiting to attend to you. Give them the instructions and they swing into action on your behalf.

The power of God in you has to be activated. This is actualized when you speak in tongues. Let your speaking in tongues be so fervent that you are also inspired. Don't speak in tongues being absent -minded.

Being filled with the Spirit gives you an unusual boldness. Some may know what is right to do but do not have the boldness to do it. Being filled you don't think twice, you are quick and bold to act.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives cannot be overemphasized. Several who had sicknesses in their bodies came foward to be healed and the power of God overwhelmed them setting them free from the shackles of sickness and diseases. Glory to God!

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