Let's talk Faith: Our Father's Heart to the least of these...

in christian-trail •  7 years ago 

Let's talk Faith: Our Father's Heart to the least of these...


I was driving today and @tydebbie told me about this news. Texas mom gets 40 years for trying to sell 2-year-old daughter for sex for $1,200, see the full article here. 今日當我開車回家的時候,太太 @tydebbie 告訢我這一段的新聞:「德州媽媽因為試圖以1200美元的價格賣掉2歲女兒而被判入獄40年」

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In the meantime, there were news just 2 days ago, Texas mom sold son for $2,500 to settle drug debt, police say, see the full article here. 另外,早幾天我又看到這段新聞:「德州的一位母親以2,500美元的價格賣掉兒子來解決毒品債」

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What is wrong with this world? I think the short answer is that, when people don't believe that all of us are wonderfully created and redeemed by the Lord, human "forget" the dignity of human lives and freedom that we should be able to enjoy! I believe that everyone of us is created for a purpose and that we are here to reflect the glory of our Lord, and it is also our God's heart and command to protect the least of these...

你可能會問:「現在的世界有什麼問題?!」 我認為簡短的回答是,當人們不相信我們所有人都是被上帝奇妙地創造和救贖的時候,人類會「忘記」我們人生應該有的自由和尊嚴! 我相信我們每個人都是為了一個目的而創造的,是在這個世界中反映我們創造主的榮耀。去保護這些不能為自己去發聲的,這也正是我們上帝的心和給我們的命令......

There are multiple spots within the Bible talks about the command from our Lord 在《聖經》上有很多很多的地方是有講到神對他子民的命令:

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) 「王要回答他們,說:『我確實地告訴你們:你們為我這些弟兄中最小的一個所做的事,就是為我做了。』(馬太福音 25:40)

"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 82:3-4) 你們當為貧寒的人和孤兒申冤,當為困苦和窮乏的人施行公義。當保護貧寒和窮乏的人,救他們脫離惡人的手。(詩篇 82:3-4)

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." (Proverbs 31:8) 你當為啞巴開口,為一切孤獨的申冤。(箴言 31:8)

We can all do something about this!

Stephen @stepbie
(Joshua 24:15)

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