in christian-trail •  6 years ago 

By Rick Lange
Posted with authors permission

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them, for since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculation and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four footed animals and creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen Romans 1:21-25.

When Jesus warns us that in the last days the world would become like the days of Noah and Lot, He was talking about a progression of unrighteousness. It goes something like this:

  1. They suppress the truth

  2. They ignore the truth about God which has been written within their own souls.

  3. They ignore the evidence of God as Creator in nature. (Say as in embracing evolution)

  4. They purposely blind their eyes and close their minds to God’s invisible attributes His eternal power and His divine nature.

  5. And in spite of the effects of sin upon our world, His righteousness can still be seen in what is made, but instead of embracing the truth they turn to futile speculations.

  6. Therefore they have turned away from worshiping the Creator, or giving thanks to Him.

  7. Unfortunately, when they base all that they believe upon a foundational lie, everything they learn becomes a futile speculation.

  8. Professing to be wise they become fools

  9. They begin to worship nature rather than nature’s Creator.

  10. When this happens then God gives them over to what happens next. ( See Romans 1:26-32)

So this rejection of truth and of God causes people to begin to crave that which is perverse and unnatural. Life becomes a sort of progressive death wish… a downward spiral into total depravity, violence, vanity, self-worship, violence, hatred of all things good and a progressive degrading of their bodies, souls and spirits until there is nothing left of the image of God.

Given the noble purposes for which mankind was originally created, we can see that Satan, in his hatred and jealousy of mankind, has switched tracks and then diverted everyone who is foolish enough to fall for it, onto a train bound for hell.

Now the church, thinking to adjust to the times, can get all politically correct and gain the world’s favor in doing so, but the truth is they have diverted from truth and they are now on Satan’s train to hell and there is nothing they can do about it but to repent and get off the train and then go back to the right track and get on the right train.

Sodom and the people of Noah’s day are used as an example by Jesus to show us the progression that leads to the wrath of God. The flood destroyed everyone on the planet except for God’s remnant people. Likewise fire and brimstone came down upon Sodom and consumed everyone except God’s remnant… Lot and his two daughters.

The question is this: Are we living in a time similar to the days of Noah and Lot?

If so, then should we not expect to see warning signs in the sun, moon and stars, in the upheaval of nature, in political upheaval and a progression toward both global unity and global war? Is not life on this planet a conundrum of opposing forces and senseless spiritual and political clashing?

There is no sense to be made of our world today without understanding the invisible forces behind the scenes in which one force is seeking to save mankind while the other force is seeking to destroy them. And given the fact that America was once the greatest nation ever built, the things that the globalists are pushing for make absolutely no sense for America. America was built upon godly Judeo/Christian principles and ethics and Satan wants nothing to do with that. If you don’t agree, then read the historical prayers of the presidents. Some of them may have been deists, but they built this nation according to scriptural principles.

Isn’t it interesting how much the left hates America, hates humanity (Except for themselves of course) pushes for our national destruction, the shredding of our noble constitution and the removal of anything that reminds them of God? Oh, of course they will allow the name “God” for it is a generic term that can be used by all religions; but if you use the specific names of Yahweh or Jesus (Yeshua), they begin foaming at the mouth.

Yes, we are indeed living in the days of Noah and Lot and because of it, the wrath of God is beginning to be poured out upon all ungodliness. Animals and fish and birds are dying off. Weather is growing more and more radical so that crops are failing all over the world. Our electromagnetic shields are being weakened almost to the point of collapse and we have things coming at us from space that will soon threaten our very existence.

And corresponding to all of this the Beast system is literally being built right now. Towers are going up all over the world to handle the 5G network. In basic terms the 5G network is a communication system so powerful with a band width so big that it can handle everything in all other communications networks and much, much more so that the entire world will now be interconnected, surveillance will be ubiquitous and constant. Every word, every movement, every action, every belief, every conversation carried on a device will be stored in a file with your name on it and you will either be allowed into the system or disallowed depending on your compatibility with the coming global regime.

Zionists and illuminati types and the power brokers of the world, as well as the religions of the world, including many Christians have signed on with the Pope of Rome to declare their allegiance to the coming antichrist. This is some of the stuff that the Denoons are warning us about. The pope has established his kingship over Jerusalem by celebrating the Eucharist in the tomb of David. And for those who know Bible prophecy this is a very prophetic movement in defiance of the true King David, Jesus Christ.

Consider these following texts:

“Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder when he opens no one will shut. When he shuts no one will open.” (Isaiah 22:22) Then compare this with Jesus’ words to Philadelphia in Rev. 3:7 saying: And to the angel of Philadelphia write: He who is holy and true, who has the key of David who opens and no one will shut and who shuts and no one opens says this: I know your deeds. Behold I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power and have kept My word and have not denied My name.” Then Jesus/John goes on to describe those who are of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not.”

I believe that this last part refers directly to the false antichrist system that they are setting up in Jerusalem right now to create a fake millennium. They say they are Jews but they are not and this is why we need to be critically careful what we support in Israel and what we refuse to support. We are being sucked into a lie. Many Christians are supporting and even joining with the coming antichrist because they lack the discernment that comes with understanding Bible prophecy.

Christ’s promise of a coming earthly millennial kingdom is clearly stated in Acts 15:16-18 saying:

“After these things I will return and I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen and I will rebuild its ruins and I will restore it, in order that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord and all the Gentiles who are called by My name, says the Lord, who makes these things known from of old.”

(See also Rev.5:10, Mt. 6:10, Rev. 20:4)

These are the prophecies I believe the antichrist system is seeking to usurp and many are falling for it because the church stopped studying Bible prophecy at the most critical time in earth’s history.

By the way, Acts 14:22 says: “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” There are serious choices to be made between the falling away church that is wondering after the Beast and the remnant of God who remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His Word.

I feel like the Lord revealed this to me just this morning, for I have never put these texts together before. But there is a message and a warning here.

There is a progression in this world that appeals to the flesh. It appeals to the flesh because we have within us a fallen bent toward evil and perversion. But those who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God, for we are not living by the lusts of our “bent” flesh, but we are living by the Spirit of God and by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. (Rev. 14:12) We have chosen the Lord’s train and by His grace we will not be diverted from truth and faithfulness. And no matter what Satan throws our way, we are going to cling to the Lord. We have eyes for only One. We are betrothed to Jesus and we are on our way to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

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