Who you are NOT vs Who you really ARE!
You are NOT the righteousness of God!
(That is self-righteousness!)
You are the Righteousness of God IN CHRIST!
(that is right believing!)
(2Cor 5:21)
Stop saying: I can do ALL things!
(that is Pride!)
Rather say: I can do ALL things IN CHRIST!
(That is humility!)
(Phil 4:13)
Don't say: 'there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for me!
(that produces license to sinful life)
Instead say: 'there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for me IN CHRIST!
(that produces empowerment to live above sin!)
(Rom 8:1)
Always remember: the totality of your new nature is centred around and found only IN CHRIST!
for if any man be... IN CHRIST....he is a New Creation!
(2Cor 5:17)