Maria Woodworth Etter
She was born in July 22, 1844 in a family that didn`t know God. She was born again at the age of 13 and she heard the call of God for her life: "I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep." After fighiting the call of God for few years, she finaly accepted and started to preach the gospel in tent meetings and God started to move powerfull in her meeting. Many were healed and many were delivered in her meetings while she was preaching. She was a powerfull evangelist who inspired many great evangelist like John G. Lake, Aime Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman and others.
Her life is a was 100% dedicated to God and God honoured her big time. She went to be with the Lord in September 16, 1924, leaving behind her a great legacy.