Christian Nationalism.

in christian •  4 months ago 

I’m asking you to read this.

For those of you who don’t put yourselves into places where you are likely to notice:

Joel Webbon is one of the “TheoBros” who promotes Christian Nationalism. He’s the head pastor of Right Response Ministries, and senior pastor of Covenant Bible Church in Austin.

His churches, like those of most of the rest of the “Reformed Protestant Church” are actively welcoming of National Socialists within their ranks… and they are growing.

In the four screenshots below, you will see some infighting: one member of the church (Gustav) is accusing another member (Jon Harris) of having Jewish relatives. Even if you don’t understand all of the dog-whistle phrases, I urge you to pay attention to Pastor Webbon’s response.

Between mainstream Christianity’s growing acceptance of National Socialism and the American Left’s embrace of Keffiyeh Klansmen, I expect the situation for Jewish people in this country to continue to grow increasingly uncomfortable. If you are accepting of what is happening to Jewish people right now because the perpetrators are “on your side”, you are on the wrong side of history.

I grew up hearing fellow Americans use the phrase “Never Again”. It is crystal clear that most of those folks were lying.

A personal request: please keep comments similar to “why would anyone object to a fellow church member having Jewish relatives?” to yourself. If you’re that naive, you’re in the wrong place.

For those of you with some grasp of the history of the fascism in the 20th century, we are witnessing American churches begin to debate The Aryan Paragraph.





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