Genesis 5:22-24
Genesis 17:1
One of the negative end time prophecies of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is that the love of many Christians shall wax cold. It's fulfillment, being presently witnessed in the Christendom, spells grave consequences. It is obvious that now many who were once zealous and committed to the Lord are losing their first love and enthusiasm with which they served God. This is because the god of this world has enticed them with materialism, injected them with spiritual sleep and sown tares of discord, misfortune and sickness into their lives. Manipulated by the enemy, these Christians lose their conviction as their fellowship with God and His people become irregular. They have consequently become unstable and unpredictable in character, and unfaithful to God and His Church. Outright backsliding has become rampant.
With this development, Christ, the ever living one, charges fervent believers and the church to wake up to their responsibility of reviving despondent, weak, lukewarm and inconsistent believers (Revelation 3:2-3). Saved from sin or restored from backsliding, the believer needs to maintain a consistent righteous life to qualify for heaven.
Gen. 5:22-24
Gen. 17:1
Hebrew 11:5-16
Phillipians. 3:20
Enoch, the Son of Jared and father of methuselah, is mentioned in our text as one who maintained a consistent, God pleasing lifestyle throughout his lifetime. According to scripture account, he knew God at the age of 65 and walked with him for 300 years. That he lived in the old Testament period before the cross strips inconsistent believers of excuses they give for rising and falling in the Christian faith. Enoch lived in this same wicked world infested with demons as we do today. With the death and resurrection of Christ at calvary, every earnest seeker can live a righteous life. If it were not possible to live a righteous life, God would have not called Abraham to it. (Gen. 17:1)
The call to salvation precedes the call to consistent Christian living and perfection. Abraham had first responded to the call to come out of sin into salvation and seperation before this time. None is on pilgrimage to heaven until he or she is genuinely saved from sin. Pilgrimages to holy lands and engagement in religious rites or duties do not set the religionist free from sin. Every sinner and backslider needs to repent from sin and receive Jesus Christ as his or her personal Lord and saviour... One thing else is to make Jesus lord over your life as you have repented... David said.. The lord is my shepherd... This means God is leading him... For you to be led by God, you have to make him ruler and lord over your entire life.. This is equally trusting in him for everything