1 Corin. 9:24-27
Ezekiel 2:1 to the end
Whatever we do now, if we do not have the crown at the end, it is a waste. Be aware of yourself, your body, your mind, thoughts. Run this Christian race as Paul described it with all seriousness - not allowing time to waste - Do not push yourself into sin. You should always be aware and understand that this race is to have a well done my good and faithful servant at the end. You should always be aware of the things that can slow you down in this race. Anyone that wants to have the reward at the end of the race, must first strive with all diligence. Every path of his life must be ordered, you must be under the control of the Spirit Of God, the doctrine of the Bible {Heb. 12:1, Heb. 11:1}.
Therefore running this race, you need to shoulder off things that can weigh you down, that will make you not run accordingly to the will and purpose God has for you - shoulder them off only if you want to have the prize at the end of the race - run with patience - run with the word of God - run with the spirit of God (1 Peter 4:2-8). Running this heavenly race requires us to run according to the will of God, not the will of any human or our friend (Gal. 5:7-10).
Philippians 2:14-17
Gal. 2:2
When running the race of the heavenly, do everything you ought to do without a doubt. The word of God must guide our hearts and everything we do. We should not be tired while running this race (Gal. 2:2-20). Always try to talk with each other, I mean with fellow believers. The only way to run this race is to be crucified with Christ - when Christ lives in you - you do according to the way Christ lives - Live by faith in Christ - When we do these we get strengthened by God Almighty.
Isiah. 40:31
The world does everything to obtain a corruptible crown - but when we do everything God has instructed, we will obtain an incorruptible crown.
2 Timothy 2:4
James 1:12
You do not strive against the world, you must endure temptation and hard times. Whoever endures the temptations in the race, certainly you will be faced with more temptation in the race - Receives such an important prize of life - which God has promised to those who love Him. When you love the Lord - you do according to His will (The bible testaments) - you will receive the prize. As you run this race do not fear the things that will come, trials will come, temptations of different kinds will arise - do not compromise. As you continue to run this race the enemy (devil) will tempt you but endure. 1 Peter 5:4 Rev. 2:11 Rev. 3:11
Rev. 22:12-17 Colosians 3:23-25 1 Corin. 9:27 1 chronicle 28:9 2 Corin. 9:27