Topic,. Tomorrow.
I do ask myself one thing, If I should die now were will I spent the rest of my life.
Hell is real Heaven is real, but chose right. God as Bless some of you that you can't even help others. Amen please pastors and so on Tell them the truth Amen your money can not save you from the judgement day your charm, No one can escape it the judgement day from God.
You preach repentance in church and you are still having sex with your members haaaa your time will come. Listen. Your pastor or Bishop can not say I will plead for you in Heaven. Check your life, you that you can talk about your pastors outside or about your church continue you will pay for it.
Repent today so that your blessings will be permanent, Amen just think just think How you are opening your body outside haaa when you get to hell those clothes or beauty will be burnt with 🔥 🔥 Abraham and so on lived many years please please later they die. Maybe if you didn't repent from that sin that Sickness or whatever will not Stop.
Woman your beauty lives in you and it comes out when you start to Respect your husband at Home. Learn to respect your husband that is were your beauty is.
Men you too can lead, your wife to what she did not want to do check your life.
Start to give her her own respect so that your business will grow, stop beating her. Help those who you know,
Yes you know them maybe that is were God want to bless you.