Word of Encouragement
Romans 12:1-3 (AMP)
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of yWord of Encouragement
Romans 12:1-3 (AMP)
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.
Oswald Chambers caught my attention expressing the thought that some people are glad to come to God and have their sins forgiven but balk at committing to the full Lordship of Christ. To give up the right to direct one’s life, giving up expectations for the future, with personal pleasure all controlled by Him is asking too much. Giving up one’s right to one’s self is more than they signed on for. When pressed with Lordship some will cease to heed the ministry of those who present the objective and ultimate goal of their salvation. A mentor early in our ministry awaken us to pressing on from being “CALLED OUT” into what we are “CALLED UNTO.” The Father’s interests are to become our interests. His objectives our objectives. He has called us to reflect His wisdom, nature and LIFE in this present age.our bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.
Oswald Chambers caught my attention expressing the thought that some people are glad to come to God and have their sins forgiven but balk at committing to the full Lordship of Christ. To give up the right to direct one’s life, giving up expectations for the future, with personal pleasure all controlled by Him is asking too much. Giving up one’s right to one’s self is more than they signed on for. When pressed with Lordship some will cease to heed the ministry of those who present the objective and ultimate goal of their salvation. A mentor early in our ministry awaken us to pressing on from being “CALLED OUT” into what we are “CALLED UNTO.” The Father’s interests are to become our interests. His objectives our objectives. He has called us to reflect His wisdom, nature and LIFE in this present age.