Question, and yes it will make some readers furious!

in christian •  8 years ago 

Why is it OK for a few of the 2 billion Christians to spout their "Believe in Jesus" and "God is Good" at every opportunity and expect everyone to praise them and when a few of the 1.8 billion Muslims selling "Allah is Great it's considered terrorism?

Why is the bloody history of Christianity, that included killing millions of people over the centuries all in the name of a "Merciful Christ" forgotten whilst a similar Muslim history is constantly reminded?

Why are all Muslims evil and All Christians Good?

Why are only 17 million Jews constantly under attack? Especially since historically they never attacked anyone? They never tried to convert anyone and they only want to live a quiet life praying in their own way?

Why are 1.1 billion Hindu's overlooked, even though they are the third most proliferate yet ancient idol worshipping religion on the planet?

and finally;

Why is being agnosticism or atheism considered an affront to most religious people?

OK...Pissed ya all off!!! HAH!


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welcome @Ianpkano to Steemit :) Glad to see you. I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me .

I typically mute all posts about religion.
Including this one.

I quite agree!

welcome steemit

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Pretty simple baseline to draw upon. Just research the human rights of every nation under Islamic Jurisprudence and all will be revealed.

Welcome to steemit !! Enjoy this beautiful world! Followed. Follow me back 😘