in christian •  7 years ago  (edited)


Passage: Romans 8:9-17
Focus: v15

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”

Adoption is the legal process of taking a child into another family aside his natural family. Legally, the child becomes part of the adopted family and that can never be disputed. The adopted child has access to all his adopted parents had. For instance, if the adopting family is an American, the adopted child becomes an American as well even if he was a Nigerian.

In that wise, you can belong to a family either by natural birth or by adoption. When you are adopted to God's family, you are born by the Spirit thus the Scriptures says those that are born by the Spirit are also spirits. What upholds the rights of the adopted child is the "adoption law" of the country but in God's Kingdom, what upholds our right is the Spirit of adoption which is the Holy Spirit.

We weren't God's people though He is our Creator but He wasn't our Father. For instance, the Nigerian President is the father of the Nation but he is not my father. The Spirit of Adoption brings us to the point of calling God, Abba Father. The word "Abba" depicts a sense of belonging and it's so heavy that no other word is found suitable to interpret it in modern English. By the Holy Spirit, God becomes your "Daddy". That's what I call God most times.

Can you let that sink into you? God is your Daddy. Don't see Him as a faraway unapproachable entity; the Holy Spirit is with you giving you the sense of affinity with your Father. My prayers, especially personal prayers are very simple but attract quick answers because of the “Daddyish” mentality that I possess. I just drop on my knees and make my requests known in definite terms. May you see God as Father from today! If you can make the culture of calling God “Daddy” in the next six (6) months, you will understand and enjoy the affinity. Don’t call Him God, just say Daddy. Can you do that now?

PYP: Sweet Spirit of Adoption, now I know I have a Daddy, and my Daddy is the Almighty God

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Can I call him 'Daddy God'

I like your spirit, do not give up