in christian •  7 years ago 


Her smiles were captivating
Her Eyes inviting
The shape of her lips were perfect
With such glittering white set of teeth
She was like a Predator and I was her prey
Oh what beauty to behold

The way the colour of her eyes matches her hair was perfect
I guess God spent an extra day creating this master piece
And I guess when he was done he must have said
Oh My God!! I am so good!!
firmly adjusting my collar, ready to make my move rehearsing every pick up line I know.

Then I approached with the most beautiful masculine voice I could ever muster "Hello"
And like the open of a fountain she let the dogs of her mouth loose
As her lips blossomed with such insult and shear pride
I found out she wasn't just having a bad day but that was her ATTITUDE
She had an ATTITUDE
Beautiful on the outside but ugly on the Inside

There are plenty fishes in the river
No one with a functional brain will take this one to his mum
Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE
hard work may get you successful but a good Attitude will keep you there

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