I love you, I plunder the filth, of perversion and death, I show my love for you every day because you are a daughter to me (Ose 11: 1) Because of the great love that I have for you, I took you by the hand as my beautiful girl, I taught you how to walk, I gave you food and I helped you in your problems, you relaxed from me (Hos 11: 3) but my love for you was greater, I could not abandon, I could not do it, I could not I can destroy, my great love for you did not allow me (Ose 11: 8) for what I was and I took you out, I freed you with my great power because I attracted you with the bonds of love, with strings of tenderness and quite the yoke that you had because I love you (Hos 11: 4). In the mornings I will let you know my great love for you, I will show you the path you must follow (Ps 143: 8). Even if the mountains change and the hills are shaken, my faithful love for you will not change, nor will my covenant of peace that I declared for that day waver (Isa 54:10). I will be with you, I will rejoice with you, I will renew you completely in my love and I will rejoice over you singing (Sof 3:17). I love you so much that every time you come to me with your faults and struggles I cover you in the totality (Prov 10:12). When you called your name when people told you that your life was your heart, when your soul felt anguished I called you by your name even though you did not know me (Isaiah 45: 4) Fired, you will feel loved, because I will never shut up what that I feel for you, and I will never see you again to the seas, you will never be called helpless or alone, but you will call "my delight" your ruin will never be told (Isa 62: 4) I am in your midst, powerful, I will save, I will rejoice over you with joy, I will be silent with love (Sof 3:17)

Remain in my love, keep my commandments that you may live in me (John 15:10). Who can avoid my love? nothing or nobody, nor your problems, nor sufferings, nor difficulties. Neither will hunger nor cold, nor dangers nor even death itself. Neither the angels nor the spirits, neither the present nor the future, neither the powers of heaven nor those of hell, nor anything created by me, NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, SHALL BE ABLE TO SEPARATE MY LOVE! (Rom 8: 35-39) remember my beloved, my love for you suffered, is good, does not envy, is not lost, my love never stops being (1 Co 13: 4-6) my grace is presented to you for love of you I became poor, being rich, so that in me you were enriched (2 Cor 8: 9) my love for you is immense, because even though you were dead because of sin you live (Eph 2: 4) I want to direct your heart to my love so that you persevere in me (2 Thess 3: 5) my grace reached you, you were nothing to offer me, my grace was abundant for you (1 Tim 1:14) I love you so much that I can proudly say that you are my beloved daughter (1 Jn 3: 1) do not be afraid, for in love there is no fear, but my love casts out fear (1 Jn 4:18)
I love you God