A Cloud of Words

in christian •  4 years ago 

On the night of March 30th 2020, I woke up and heard the Lord speak to me. He said:

All of this is happening because of their words.

I saw people sitting around table, walking and talking down hallways, even muttering to themselves. They were speaking evil, speaking all of this panic and violation of civil rights we are experiencing. It happened over time, they were all connected.

As they spoke, their words flew into a cloud.


This cloud grew larger and darker. After some time, the cloud manifested out in the open. It became what we’re experiencing.

At this point in the vision is when I heard the Lord say, “All of this is happening because of their words.”

The switch.

Next I hear Him say, “Different words can undo this.” Immediately I say the word of God:

for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. (Matthew 12:37)

“You can replace words. By your words you will be justified. They can be swapped by words that condemn you. It works in reverse also. You can turn condemnation into justification.“

After He said these things to me I instantly understood the Body of Christ’s responsibility to reshape things by their words.

It’s time to stand.


It’s time to speak the words of life. It’s time to release the Word of God from our spirit and prophesy. Can these bones live? Oh, Lord God, you know. Prophesy!

The voice of the church will create a cloud of the glory of the Lord and cover our land. Saints, purify your hearts, steep the Word of God in your spirits, and prophesy.

This is our revolution.

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