in christian •  7 years ago 



One of the most refreshing knowledge to reminisce upon is the story of creation. It's irresistible reasoning and enjoying the splendour of God's hand at work, The hovering of the Spirit, how God commanded everything into existence and the creation of man after his likeness. It explains the reality of life and gives reasons for existence beyond evolution theories, big bang and other scientific assumptions.

The most interesting part of the stoty is that God created man after his image and likeness. He created us from himself and unto himself. His relation with man speaks more of how loving it is to have man by him. He entrusted everything to man to have dominion. The greatest and most powerful person on Earth was man.

All too soon, A stranger(satan) through deception played their minds to reason that becoming like God was through eating the fruit he had commanded them not to eat. They disobeyed God and forgot they very likeness they were sinning to pursue was who they really are, as they were created in the image of God. This lead to an immediate disconnection between man and his maker (Spiritual death).

From thenceforth, humanity has been craving and desperately making conscious efforts to reconcile with God. Through the pursuit of the truth concerning the reality of our lives. This has led to the diversities of religion all over with different notions of how getting to know God is like. The old testament era saw sacrifices of animals to atone for sins and be at right standing with God but that wasn't the best.

God in his infinite wisdom sent forth his son Christ Jesus to die for our sins. According to John 3:16 all what he saw and knew of man was sin, yet he died for us. In our worst and wretched state, he loved us beyond our understanding as It's hard for someone to die for a righteous man.

Grace and truth has been freely given to all through Christ. Maybe you are desperately searching for truth of your life, you just heard of him. Truth isn't a statement, it isn't an empirical fact nor an assumption but Jesus Christ. Across all faith he is the only one who boldly declared I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Now you know, he is the way, the truth you are pursuing and the life you need for existence now and eternal.

Dear God, I thank you for your word this day. Enlighten my path to see you clearly, Now I know you are the way, the truth and the life. Let me know you more and love you more. AMEN

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Amen.. Jesus is the way the truth and the life..